Bylaws (Old)



As amended December 19, 2012
This organization is dedicated to increasing the participation of the citizens of the 31st Legislative District in governmental affairs and implementing the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party.


This organization operates in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and the rules of the Democratic National Committee, Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and the King and Pierce County Democratic Central Committees.


Section 1. All elected Democratic Precinct Committee Officers of the 31st District (hereafter “PCOs”) are automatic members.

Section 2. All acting and appointed PCOs are members.

Section 3. Any other person may become a member by declaring to be a Democrat on the membership form and by paying their membership dues as required in Article III.

Section 4. 31st Democrats will not share personal or biographical information collected for membership in the organization such as name, address, phone, or email unless required by law, except as required for the operation of the organization.


Section 1. Annual dues shall be $31 per individual member; however, members may pay what they can afford, with a minimum of $5 for full rights and privileges. Categories for reduced dues include limited income situations, such as, veteran, senior and/or student status. Questions arising from any reduction, may be reviewed by the Executive Board.

Section 2. Annual dues for out of District members without voting privileges, shall be a minimum of $5.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall include the Chair, Vice Chair Pierce County, Vice Chair King County, Washington State Democratic Central Committeeman and Committeewoman, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Board shall also include the chairs of standing committees which are established by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The chairs shall be elected by a vote of members in good standing.

Section 2. If the Chair is from King County, the Vice-Chair Pierce County shall serve as the representative to the Pierce County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC) Executive Board under PCDCC by-law 7.1.3. If the Chair is from Pierce County, a separate person shall be elected as the representative to the PCDCC Executive Board, as the Chair (or in his or her absence the Pierce County Vice-Chair) shall already serve on the Executive Board under PCDCC by-law 7.1.4.

Section 3. The election of representatives to the Pierce and King County Central Committees Executive Boards shall comply with the current bylaws of those organizations. The Vice Chair of King and Pierce Counties will review changes respective to their county’s’ Bylaws and report back to the District.

Section 4. The membership shall elect three representatives to the Pierce County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC). At least two of those representatives must be Precinct Committee Officers (PCO) and, when practical, the positions should be divided between man and woman.

Section 5. The membership shall elect one male and one female Delegate and one male and one female Alternate to the King County Democratic Central Committee (KCDCC).

Section 6. The elected delegates to the County Central Committees shall serve on the Executive Board herein. The Alternates shall serve on the Executive Board in the absence of the elected delegates.

Section 7. The Vice-Chair King County and Vice-Chair Pierce County shall each serve as district liaisons to their respective county legislative action committees. The membership shall elect one additional delegate to each county legislative action committee of the opposite gender of the Vice-Chairs.

Section 8. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month, chaired by the district chair, or next senior officer available in the event of the unavailability of the district chair, to plan meetings and other district events and conduct other necessary business.

Section 9. Duties of district officers shall be as prescribed in State and County Central rules and as established by convention.

Section 10. Frequent absence or failure to perform the functions of office by an officer shall be grounds for disciplinary action or removal from office by the Executive Board, subject to State and County rules.


Section 1. The organization will meet at least once every two months provided a call has been made either by mail or by electronic mail (email) at least seven days in advance.

Section 2. The regular 31st District Democratic Party meeting shall be held at least eight times each year. The dates and times of the meetings shall be established by the Executive Board.

Section 3. The annual endorsement meeting shall be held in accordance with State Central Committee Democratic party guidelines.

Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the Chair; by majority vote of the Executive Board; or by a petition of the membership signed by two-thirds of the members in good standing.

Section 5. Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern all regular and special meetings.


Section 1. Election of statutory officers at the biennial reorganization meeting shall be by a vote of elected Precinct Committee Officers and those appointed precinct committee officers who have held office for at least two months. Election of all other officers shall be at the biennial reorganization meeting by a vote of all members in good standing as of the prior month.

Section 2. A candidate seeking endorsement must appear in person before the district and complete the 31st District Candidate Questionnaire. One or both of these requirements may be waived for good cause upon a 2/3 vote of the body. Factors for waiver include whether the candidate is a known Democrat seeking to retain his or her elected position; availability of the candidate to appear and/or complete the Questionnaire; level of office; and history of activity in the Democratic Party. The District may engage in early endorsements.

Section 3. Members in good standing shall elect standing committee chairs of the Newsletter, Programs and Public Relations, Membership, PCO Coordination, Voter Registration, Web Site and Outreach.

Section 4. All members of the District organization who 1) reside within the district; 2) are current on their dues; and 3) who have been members for at least 30 days shall be eligible to vote on all business of the body, including endorsements.

Section 5. No proxy ballot shall be recognized.

Section 6. All contested elections for statutory officers shall be by signed ballots in accordance with national and state Democratic rules.

Section 7. All resolutions from the floor seeking to express the opinion of the district shall require approval by a majority of eligible voters present as described in Section 3 of this article.

Section 8. 31st District name and address lists, except electronic mail addresses, may be provided to qualified and acceptable candidates or issues organizations, with the approval of at least four members of the Executive Board.


Section 1. No amendment to these Bylaws may be considered unless notice of the proposed amendment shall have been sent by means set forth in Article V, Section 1 to members in good standing with at least 30 days notice.

Section 2. Bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of 2/3 of members in good standing who are in attendance during the vote.

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