Bonney Lake city council pos #4 – Leia Timm-McKenrick

Municipal/Other Questionnaire 2022

Candidate Info

Candidate Name:    Leia Timm-McKenrick
Position Sought:     Bonney Lake city council pos #4
Are you an incumbent for this position?     Non-incumbent
Home Legislative District:     31st
Are you a Democrat?     Yes

Campaign Info

Campaign Manager or Point of Contact:     Leia Timm-McKenrick

Part I – Candidate Background

1. Please briefly describe your qualifications, education, employment, community and civic activity, union affiliation, prior political activity, and other relevant experience.

I have been a proud member of the operating engineers (shop steward), and worked for the AFL-CIO outreach program Working America. I’ve also done training with the Wash CAN.

2. What prompted you to run for this office?

I want to see fair representation for all of the citizens of Bonney Lake and give a voice to those who feel silenced.

3. What steps are you taking to run a successful campaign?

I am setting a calendar that will allow for door knocking, attending local events, I will also be seeking fundraising opportunities and volunteers. I am actively seeking endorsements from several sources, am enrolled in the NDTC candidate courses.

4. What are your campaign’s most important themes, issues, or priorities (three to five)?

Affordable housing
Local businesses opportunities
Lack of decent Infrastructure
Helping underserved communities
Public transit

Part II – Yes/No Questions, please qualify your answer if necessary

1. Do you support steps to build a fairer economy through tax reform and progressive taxes as wealth increases?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #1

2. Do you support robust investment in publicly owned housing/subsidized housing for elderly and low-income individuals/families, and zoning changes to support such housing?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #2     We are in a housing crisis that needs to be addressed

3. Developer impact fees are allowed under the Growth Management Act. Should they be increased to help pay for needed improvements to our roads, parks, and schools?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #3

4. Do you support building a municipally owned and operated broadband system in your city or jurisdiction?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #4

5. Do you support local investments to address climate change where applicable?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #5

6. Do you support women’s unrestricted access to reproductive healthcare?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #6     Absolutely

7. Do you support laws regulating the purchase, ownership, and carrying of firearms?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #7

8. Do you support the right of workers to unionize and bargain, including public employees?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #8

Part III – Free Response (Please answer at least four fully, and consider the additional three optional)

1. Why are you requesting Democratic endorsement? What aspects of the Democratic platform most resonate with you?

I believe in democracy and I don’t want my children growing up in a country that is run by hate and fear. Inclusion and fairness are part of my core tenets.

2. What public policy reforms do you support to achieve greater equity and inclusion for BIPOC and LBQIA+ individuals in our communities?

I believe everyone should have a voice and seat at the table, felony disenfranchisement laws strongly impact BIPOC communities and are long overdue to be abolished. we must continue to fight against anti trans / anti queer policies that result in between 20 – 53% (depending on gender identity) of queer adults choosing not to vote out of fear.

3. What steps do you think need to be taken to improve voter turnout and increase voter trust in our election process?

We need to stop disenfranchising voters, especially those of BIPOC decent, ensure equal access to ballot drop off locations, and education. Anyone promoting or espousing provable false claims of fraud should be barred from holding or running for public office.

4. What important local issues have you worked on (or taken an interest in) that you feel aren’t getting enough attention from elected leaders and the local media?

5. Please list at least three specific, concrete actions you would support to ease the homelessness crisis.

6. What safety, law, or justice issues are currently facing your jurisdiction, and how will you address them?

7. What are the transportation/transit challenges which face your jurisdiction and how would you address them? What role does green energy play in your proposed solutions?

We are in a growing, but rural area and the transit into the area is basically non existent. I would like to see DART style buses used to transport members of our communities along 410 to the transit station

By typing my name below, I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct.

Printed Name:     Leia Timm-McKenrick
Date (mm/dd/yy):     05/20/2023

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