Presentation on Yes on 1631

Below is a presentation from our August general meeting on Initiative 1631, which will be on ballots in November! We endorsed I-1631 on August 22.

“I-1631 proposes to clean pollution by putting a fee on the state’s largest polluters, the oil and gas industries, making sure that they’re paying their fair share for. The initiative proposes to use those exact funds toward investing back into communities, making sure that we’re building green renewable infrastructure all over Washington state and particularly in those communities that are most impacted by environmental degradation.

The coalition behind this campaign is the largest and most diverse initiative coalition in state history: everyone from labor unions to tribal leaders to environmental advocates to social and civil rights advocates, because we want to make sure that we are addressing issues of equity and social justice within this policy specifically.

Against us we have the oil industry who has already poured millions of dollars into the “No” campaign. We know that we can’t match them dollar for dollar, but we know that we have the values of Washingtonians behind us.”

Watch the whole video below for more information and a Q&A!

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