Resolution Supporting the Washington Health Trust Initiative

The following resolution was submitted by the Delegation of the 31st LD Democrats to the 2022 WA State Democrats Convention

Resolution Supporting the Washington Health Trust Initiative


WHEREAS Article 25 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets forth that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control”, establishes a fundamental right to healthcare; and,

WHEREAS, in the Declaration of Independence, a foundational document of the Constitution of the United States, declares the responsibility of government to protect certain unalienable rights which include but are not limited to the preservation of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” we conclude that healthcare is a prerequisite for the latter, and as such is indeed a human right; and,

WHEREAS in Washington State, 498,000 have no health coverage and even more residents are underinsured, and lives could be saved by ensuring access to healthcare; and,

WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that healthcare should not be tied to employment; and,

WHEREAS the 2020 platform of the Washington State Democratic Party affirms that “healthcare is a basic human right,” and that “An affordable universal single-payer system is essential to provide the most equitable and effective health care, serving both individual and public health needs”; and,

WHEREAS the 2020 Washington State Democratic Party Platform calls on “Washington State to establish a single-payer system for Washington residents until such time as a single-payer system is enacted nationally;” and,

WHEREAS a resolution calling for a single-payer health care program to replace the current for-profit health insurance system was adopted by the Washington State Democratic Central Committee in April of 2017; and,

WHEREAS people of color, people with disabilities, and low income people are the most likely to lack affordable, comprehensive healthcare; and,

WHEREAS On March 23, 2022, Whole Washington filed a ballot initiative with the Secretary of State that would establish the Washington Health Trust (“WHT”); and,

WHEREAS, the WHT initiative contains a funding mechanism devised by a noted economist, whose analysis demonstrates that Washington state residents will save billions of dollars annually when universal healthcare is implemented;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 31st Legislative District Democrats endorse the 2022 Whole Washington WHT initiative; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Precinct Committee Officers, members and followers of 31st Legislative District Democrats are encouraged to sign the initiative and to mobilize as volunteers to collect signatures for the initiative; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT upon adoption of this resolution, it be sent to the representatives and senator for the 31st Legislative District in the Washington State Legislature.

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