31st LD Democrats General Meeting Minutes 1.14.23
Outgoing Chair, Brian Gunn, welcomed the Meeting attendees and handed the gavel over to Carrie Barnes as Temporary Chair: “Hello, I’m the newly elected Chair of King County Democrats. This is an exciting time as we elect new officers for the next two years.”
Call to Order by Temporary Meeting Chair Carrie Barnes and Flag Salute. (9:35am)
Appointment by Temporary Chair of:
Temporary Credentials Chair Sarah Edwards
Temporary Secretary Robin Macnofsky
Temporary Sergeant-at Arms Tamara Stramel
Tally Chair Brian Gunn, Kamil Zaidi
Credentials Report regarding elected PCOs: 10 PCO’s are in attendance
Adoption of Agenda and Meeting Rules Brian Gunn: moved to adopt the agenda, Sarah E: Seconded. Hearing no objections, 2023 Reorganization Agenda adopted
Carrie B: Called for a motion, Brian G moved to adopt rules, Rudy Adams: Seconded. Hearing no objections, 2023 Reorganization Meeting rules are adopted.
Election of District Chair (who presides from this point on) Brian G: moved to nominate Sarah Edwards for 31st LD Chair; Seconded by Tamara S. Sarah Edwards accepted the nomination. No other nominations are proposed. Sarah E introduced herself and stated her reasons for running and background with the 31st LD. “I’d like to focus on rebuilding the strength of our local LD… We are all tired—Hope to regather and re-inspire our local members and recruit new PCO’s. Whatever we get done as an organization, we have to get done together.” Tamara S: support the nomination based on … “Sarah’s excellent organizational skills which she has shown over the last 3 years; she also has an effective communications style and archival knowledge of the history for the 31st Dems, and the candidate struggles we’ve had in the past.” Brian G: “Thank you, Sarah, for being Vice Chair for past four years! I echo what Tamara said, which makes Sarah an excellent choice to lead the 31st, including her focus on building our organization and growing our strengths, keeping us on task and following the agenda which she has done so well.” Carrie B: Speeches are closed. Moving to ballot (only PCO’s are able to vote). Ballot link is being posted in the chat box. Carrie B: “Side note: King County PCO’s will have our first training coming up on Feb 4. All PCO’s in the 31st are welcome to join us.
Brian G: Vote Tally: [10 of 10 PCO’s] Unanimous vote: Sarah Edwards is the new Chair for 31st LD Democrats!
Adoption of District Organization Bylaws: Sarah E: There are no proposed changes at this time. Rudy A: Motioned to adopt by-laws, Linda Rutenberg: Seconded. Vote is by acclamation. Unanimous. 31st LD By-laws have been adopted.
Election of remaining statutory Officers:
First Vice-Chair: (either County is open to run for election, but candidate must identify as male/Non-binary—different gender than the Chair) Sarah E: After three calls for nominations for First Vice Chair—no nominations, position remains open.
2 State Committee Persons
Robin M: nominated Tamara Stramel (she/her), John W: Seconded. Brian G nominated Mark Boswell (he/him), Mark D: Seconded.Tamara Stramel Accepted and Mark Boswell both accepted their nominations. Tamara S: has served as Vice Chair and on the E-board for four years. “I’m looking to best use of my skills to assist with growing the LD and attending state party meetings… I hope to add a different voice to the organization as a mother of young children…I hope to add more voices to the state spectrum. Looking forward to working with Mark B as an experienced partner.” Robin M spoke on Tamara’s qualifications. Mark B: “…I bring a knowledge of our previous history, and also look forward to working with Tamara’s fresh perspective.” Brian G: “Mark was Chair before me, Mark always listened regardless of a members’ political position. He has been a great mentor for myself and others.” Ballot link posted:
Rob Dolin, WA Dems State Sec’y: Guest Introduction: Rob is running for WA State Dem’s Secretary; serving currently, standing for re-election. He is advocating for expanded Visual Role Call to include headshots and bios of each member to post onscreen. Has organized enhanced State Central Comm Facebook Group, and Tech & Comm discussion group, and FAQ group. He has served as PCO in King Cty, and in multiple grassroots organizing roles. Career in tech –both large & smaller, including his current green energy start-up.
Ballots Tally: Unanimous votes for both candidates.
State Central Committee Position 1 Tamara Stramel
State Central Committee 2 Mark Boswell
1 KCDCC Representative and 1 Alternate
Brian G Nominated Marina Karnavas, Seconded by Tamara S, Marina K accepted her nomination remotely. Uncontested vote by acclamation:
Marina K unanimously elected:
KCDCC Rep 1 Marina Karnavas
KCDCC Alternate (No nomination, position remains open)
3 PCDCC Representatives (single ballot)
Robin Macnofsky: Self-Nominated John Westland: Seconded, John Westland: Self nominated Rudy A: Seconded. Carrie Wilbur, self-nominated, Tamara S: Seconded. Robin M: nominated Kirby Pollard, Linda R: Seconded. (2 of 3 Reps must be PCO’s) Candidates and members spoke on their own behalf and on qualifications of other nominees. Ballot link posted (10 votes) Three members are elected by following vote tally:
PCDCC Rep 1 Carrie Wilbur (9)
PCDCC Rep 2 Kirby Pollard (8)
PCDCC Rep 3 Robin Macnofsky (7)
Precinct Committee Officer / PCO Vacancies: John Westland is applying for a PCO vacancy left by Donna deProspro, and Sarah Edwards has relocated to a vacant precinct in Bonney Lake. Rudy A: motioned to approve these PCO appointments. Tamara S: Seconded. Uncontested vote by acclamation:
John Westland & Sarah Edwards are unanimously approved as PCO’s.
Recess called by Chair: 10 minutes
Election of All Other District Officers: (All dues paying members are able to vote)
Second Vice-Chair Robin M: nominates John Westland, Brian G: Seconded. Uncontested vote by acclamation:
John Westland unanimously elected 2nd Vice Chair.
Secretary CharlotteThompson is nominated by Tamara S, Linda R: Seconded. Charlotte stated her qualifications, including a long career as an NP, retired now, and has more time to engage with the 31st LD. Charlotte has filled in as Secretary during Robin M’s absences. Linda R: spoke on behalf of Charlotte. Uncontested vote by acclamation: CharlotteThompson is unanimously elected Secretary
Treasurer Rudy A: nominates Mark Dunning, Brian G: Seconded. Rudy A. spoke on Mark’s behalf, “He has been actively and consistently engaged the past year learning the ropes.” Uncontested vote by acclamation.
Mark Dunning is unanimously elected Treasurer
Chairs of Standing Committees:
Communications (Newsletter)
Tamara S nominated Michelle DePorter, Brian G Seconded. Michelle spoke about her nomination. “Engagement is so important to any org, I have deep experience working as communications officer in both for profit and non-profit organizations. I enjoy using social media, love writing and engaging the community. I’m excited to help promote our membership and events.” Uncontested vote by acclamation:
Michelle DePorter is unanimously elected Communications Chair
Fundraising Christi Keith is nominated by Brian G, Rudy A: Seconded. Brian spoke on Christi’s behalf. Uncontested vote by acclamation: Christi Keith is unanimously elected Fundraising Chair
Membership Tamara Strammel self-nominated, Rudy A: Seconded. Tamara spoke about her qualifications and years of engagement with 31st LD. Rudy A spoke on Tamara’s behalf. Uncontested vote by acclamation: Tamara Stramel is unanimously elected Membership Chair
PCO Coordinator John Westland nominated Amber Olsen-Walker, Rudy A: Seconded. Tamara S read Amber OW’s letter of qualifications and engagement (Amber is not able to be present today). Uncontested vote by acclamation: Amber Olsen-Walker is unanimously elected PCO Coordinator
Website/Tech Brian G: Explained the parameters of the position, Linda R: nominates Brian Gunn, Mark D Seconded. Brian G nominates Matt Brown. Matt B: will consider the position. Brian G accepts nomination as Temporary Chair (to hand-off in few months). Mark B: suggests we invite Matt B attend E-board meetings to become better acquainted with the 31st. Uncontested vote by acclamation: Brian Gunn is unanimously elected Website/Tech Chair
Outreach (No nominations, position remains open)
Good of the Order
Mark D: All new board members must respond to Mark D via email ASAP with current contact info. Also, the LD has an option to switch to “mini-reporting” with PDC, if we raise / spend less than $5,000 in one year… We collected $5,200 in 2022. This would eliminate need to complete the C3 reporting form for PDC.
Brian G: Signature card at the bank must be updated with new officers;
Also: responding to earlier question: No one else is challenging Shasti for WA State Dems Chair
Linda R: Thank you to Brian G, Rudy A and the other former officers for doing a great job.
Kirby: FYI members: Be on lookout for fishing scams from Brian G’s email.
Brian G: Moved to allow a new business vote at this [current] meeting to amend the agenda to discuss providing a stipend for State Comm Rep’s attendance at the State Comm meeting in 2023 (in Olympia). Tamara S: This is for SC reps who must attend overnight meetings out of town. Decision was made to address at next General Meeting. Motion rescinded.
Adjournment Brian G: Moved to adjourn, Kirby P: Seconded. Meeting adjourned.
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