Call to Order by Temporary Meeting Chair Marianna Hyke: Meeting began with Land Acknowledgement and Flag Salute 11:02am
Appointment by Temporary Chair of Temporary Committee
Credentials Chair: Tamara Stramel
Sergeant-at Arms: Michelle DePorter
Secretary: Robin Macnofsky
Tally Chair: Brian Gunn
Credentials Report regarding elected PCOs: Tamara S: 10 PCOs eligible for voting and 3 additional voting members –plus 5 additional non-voting attendees
Adoption of Agenda: (as posted on 31st LD Dems website) Motion to adopt Agenda by Brian G. (Agenda shared on screen) Seconded Michelle DP. No objection-motion is Unanimously approved by voting members.
Approval of Meeting Rules (shared on screen) Motion to approve rules by Rudy A. seconded by John W. None opposed: Motion has passed to approve meeting rules as written. (Includes the approval of our existing By-Laws)
Election of 31st Legislative District Democrats, Chair (who presides from this point on). Nominations for 31st LD Dems Chair: Brian G nominates Sarah Edwards. No other nominations. called twice. Nominations closed. (Vote is by google form for elected PCOs only.) Vote was held open for 5 minutes. Sarah Edwards has been elected Chair of 31st LD Democrats by unanimous tally of 17 votes (some PCO’s mistakenly voted twice.) Sarah E: “Excited to do the work of the next 2 years with our dedicated LD members.”
Appointment of Permanent Credentials Chair + Secretary, Sergeant-at Arms and Tally Chair by newly elected 31st LD Dems District Chair. Sarah Edwards. Statutory Comm:
Credentials Chair: Tamara Stramel
Sergeant-at Arms: Michelle DePorter
Secretary: Robin Macnofsky
Tally Chair: Brian Gunn
Election of remaining statutory Officers: Chair identifies with She/Her; vice chair should be of different gender if possible:
- Election of First Vice-Chair: Judi Chelotti nominates Brian Gunn, Brian G respectfully declines. Brian G nominates Mark Boswell. Tamara seconds. Mark B respectfully declines. Judi C nominates Cora Young. Cora Young respectfully declines. Tamara S nominates Judi Chelotti; Judi C accepts the nomination (with tech caveats). John W seconds. No further nominations; nominations closed.
Judith Chelotti is elected First Vice Chair by unanimous acclamation.
- (2) State Committee Persons (single ballot) (2 members of differing genders if possible) Tamara S nominated Rudy A, Amber OW Seconded, Michelle DP nominates Tamara Stramel, Helen W seconded. Nominations closed. This is an uncontested race—may be approved by acclamation. Tamara Stramel & Rudy Adams are unanimously elected ae State Central Committee Persons.
State Central Committee 1: Rudy Adams
State Central Committee 2: Tamara Stramel
- (1) KCDCC Representative and (1) Alternate: (Member with the Most votes is the main rep, 2nd amount of votes is alternate) Amber OW nominated John Westland. Helen M seconds. John W accepts. No other nominations. Voting by acclamation. John Westland is elected KCDCC by unanimous acclamation.
King County Democrat Central Committee Rep 1: John Westland
King County Democrat Central Committee Alternate: None elected
- (3) PCDCC Representatives (single ballot) Tamara S nominates Leslie Larsen, Michelle DP seconds, Leslie L accepts the nomination [in absentia.] Judi C nominates Kirby Pollard. John W seconds. Amber OW nominatesDamita Odell. Damita O respectfully declines. Amber OW nominates Cora Young. Cora Y respectfully declines. Nominations closed. Both nominees are approved by unanimous acclamation.
Pierce County Democrat Central Committee Rep 1: Leslie Larsen
Pierce County Democrat Central Committee Rep 2: Kirby Pollard
Pierce County Democrat Central Committee Rep 3: None elected
PCO Vacancies: Amber OW motions to approve Wayne Horton as a PCO. Rudy A seconds. Wayne Horton is unanimously elected as a 31st LD Democrats PCO.
Recess, if necessary, to complete credentialing of non-PCO members: None.
Credentials Report update: Tamara S: 3 voting members + 12 PCO’s + 3 non-voting members.
Election of All Other District Officers: [vote is by member’s ‘acclamation’]
Second Vice-Chair: Robin M nominates Kirby Pollard; KP respectfully declines. 3 calls nominations closed. [None elected]
Secretary: Rudy A nominates Robin Macnofsky. Helen H seconds.
Robin Macnofsky is unanimously elected Secretary.
Treasurer: Brian G nominates Helen Mansfield. Rudy Adams seconds. Helen accepts the nomination {Helen has already been serving as Interim Treasurer}.
Helen Mansfield is Unanimously elected Treasurer.
Chairs of Standing Committees: [vote is by member’s ‘acclamation’]
- Communications (Newsletter) Helen M nominates Michelle DePorter Bratt. Tamara S seconds. Michelle DePorter is unanimously elected Comm Chair.
- Fundraising: Robin M nominates Amber OW. Amber respectfully declines, but would agree to serve on the committee. Nominations closed. [None elected]
- Membership: Tamara S nominates Cora Young. Brian G seconds. Cora Young accepts the nomination. By unanimous acclamation Cora Young is elected Membership Chair.
- PCO Coordinator: Helen M nominates Amber OW as PCO Coord. Brian G seconds. By unanimous acclamation Amber Olsen-Walker elected PCO Coord.
- Website/Tech: Michelle DP nominates Matt Brown, Brian G seconds. Matt B accepts nomination. By unanimous acclamation Matt Brown is elected Website Chair.
- Outreach: Fairs/Events: Tamara S Helen Mansfield. Amber OW seconds. Helen accepts. By unanimous acclamation Helen Mansfield is elected Outreach Chair.
The 31st LD Democrats Executive Board has been duly elected for the 2025 Reorganization.
- Good of the Order:
- Helen M: meeting of volunteers from 2024 at Tehaleh: 54 invited, 27 attended. Will meet every other month. In off months, the group will divide into working teams (Indivisible model) on immigration, climate, judiciary etc –will keep us up to date.
- Tamara S: Pizza Party at the Grange on 1/22—for new members and volunteers. Excited for many new faces and energy.
- Brian G: Ditto! We are doing better at not overlapping our LD roles: self-care is so important… personal limits are OK and necessary. Proud to be a member of 31st
- Adjournment: Rudy A: Motion to adjourn. Seconded by Judi C: Meeting Adjourned at 12:28pm