Action: Support SB 5701 Healthcare for All
Health care uncertainty is growing in Washington State, but the Legislature is poised to do something about that in 2018. The Affordable Care Act, surviving despite recent efforts by the current Republican administration and Congress to weaken or kill it, nonetheless leaves half a million people in Washington State without…
Action: Support SB 6203 to Reduce Carbon Pollution
I traveled to Olympia to testify at a hearing in favor of Senate Bill 6203 – “Reducing carbon pollution by moving to a clean energy economy.” This bill (introduced by Gov. Jay Inslee) will move us in the right direction on climate by placing a cost on CO2 pollution, investing…
Being Inclusive
This month I am choosing some titles that I found thought provoking. These are books written by people from parts of America other than main stream. There are books written by and about Native Americans, Black culture in America, growing up in Appalachia and growing up in Johannesburg, South Africa.…
Meeting Agenda – Jan 24, 2018
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, JAN 24, 2018 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) Eboard, Dec 6 & Jan 3 General meeting, Nov 29 TREASURER’S REPORT (Rudy Adams) GUEST SPEAKERS Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy – Jason Merges King County Democrats, Elections Cmte –…