PINNED POST: The 31st Democrats at Summer Fairs and Events!
This summer the 31st Democrats will have a booth at the following events. We would love to see you! Come say hi, or let us know if you’d like to come hang out at a booth with us. Staffing a fair booth is a fun, low-key way to chat with…
State Representative LD 31, Pos. 1 – Sara Sutterfield
Legislative Questionnaire Candidate Info Candidate Name: Sara Sutterfield Position Sought: State Representative LD 31, Pos. 1 Are you an incumbent for this position? Non-incumbent Home Legislative District: 31 Are you a Democrat? Yes Campaign Info Campaign Manager or Point of Contact: My dog, Rocky. He's a…
General Meeting Agenda – May 22, 2024
Disclaimer: timing and order of agenda items is tentative, subject to the availability of our guests and speakers. CALL TO ORDER/LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT/PLEDGE (7:00) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:00) READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:02) CANDIDATES SEEKING ENDORSEMENT (7:05) NEW BUSINESS (8:35) OFFICER & COMMITTEE REPORTS (8:45) GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT (9:00pm…
Resolution in Favor of Guaranteed Comprehensive Health Care in Washington
Whereas Comprehensive Health Care encompasses access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care services, including abortion, gender-affirming health care, alternative care health and end of life care; Whereas faith-based health care systems are governed by Ethical and Religious Directives (ERDs) that could delay or deny patient care based on…