Replacement of Two Expiring Levies for the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District. Prop 1 funds 16% of day-to-day Operations. Prop 2 provides technology access for all K-12 students.
Initiative or Levy Contact Information Endorsement Requester: Sumner-Bonney Lake Citizens for Schools via Bill Pugh Website: Twitter: Facebook: Would you be willing to speak to members of the 31st Legislative District Democrats about this initiative? Yes Initiative or Levy Information Title Sumner-Bonney Lake School District – Prop 1: Educational Programs &…
General Meeting Agenda – November 15, 2023
Disclaimer: timing and order of agenda items is tentative, subject to the availability of our guests and speakers. CALL TO ORDER/LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT (7:00) APPROVAL OF AGENDA READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES SPEAKERS: (7:05) CANDIDATES (7:30): NEW BUSINESS (8:45) OFFICER & COMMITTEE REPORTS (8:00) GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT (9:00pm or earlier)
Help us Get Out the Vote for our endorsed candidates!
Instead of having a regular business meeting this month, the 31st Democrats are hosting two events to reach out to Democratic voters in our community and remind them to vote for our great candidates! We’ll be calling and texting on behalf of three candidates for Auburn City Council and three…
Endorsements for November 2023 Ballots
Members of the 31st District Democrats have voted to endorse the following candidates and/or initiatives for the November 2023 ballot: