Resolution in favor of Reinstating the Expanded Child Tax Credit
Resolution in favor of Reinstating the Expanded Child Tax Credit WHEREAS in 2021, the expanded Child Tax Credit (or “CTC”) helped millions of families buy food, pay rent, and cover utilities; and, WHEREAS the 2021 CTC expansion is the most significant investment in reducing child poverty in a generation, keeping…
Resolution Supporting the Washington Health Trust Initiative
The following resolution was submitted by the Delegation of the 31st LD Democrats to the 2022 WA State Democrats Convention Resolution Supporting the Washington Health Trust Initiative WHEREAS Article 25 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets forth that “Everyone has the right to a…
Resolution to Support a Program to Prepare Students to Vote
Resolution to Support a Program to Prepare Students to Vote and Encourage Voter Registration for Youth in High School WHEREAS, students graduating from high school are uninformed of how to be a part of the government process, not knowing how the United States government works, not knowing how the state…
Proposed Amendments to the 2022 Platform
31st Legislative District Democrats State Convention Delegation Meeting – April 20, 2022, 7:05pm Proposed Amendments to the 2022 Platform of the Washington State Democrats Pillar Section Sub-section Line Amended Plank Criminal Justice Reform Law and the Justice System We call for 297 Reform of criminal asset forfeiture laws so that…