Meeting Agenda – May 25th, 2022

31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, MAY 25, 2022 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7:00) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:02) READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:05 – Robin Macnofsky) Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2022 ENDORSED CANDIDATES: Derek Kilmer, U.S. Representative, CD 6 (7:10) CANDIDATES SEEKING ENDORSEMENT: Sec. Steve Hobbs, Democratic candidate…

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Code of Conduct

CODE OF CONDUCT for the 31st District Democrats This code of conduct for the 31st District Democrats is meant to establish a means to resolve a grievance of a member or members against another member or members while upholding the values of the Democratic Party. The members and officers of…

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