In-paper Debate: Katie Young
Want to get to know newcomer Katie Young a bit better? You are in luck! We are happy to share a three part written debate that concluded earlier this month between Katie Young, our endorsed candidate, and incumbent Drew Stokesbary. Check them out below! In-paper debate: Meet your Legislative District…
Meeting Agenda – October 21, 2020
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, OCTBER 21, 2020 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7:00) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:02) READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:05 – Dan Pincas) Meeting Minutes – September 23, 2020 GUESTS: 7:10 – Julie Anne Kempf, Chair – 46th LD Democrats, an expert on election administration,…
Secretary of State – Gael Tarleton
During the September 23, 2020 general meeting, the 31st District Democrats body voted to endorse Gael Tarleton for Secretary of State. They voted to waive the Questionnaire requirement; see the Sept. 23 meeting minutes for more information.
Meeting Minutes – September 23, 2020
Minutes from Regular Monthly Meeting 31st Legislative District Democrats Sept 23, 2020 7:00 pm chair Brian Gunn Call meeting to order: Mark Dunning agrees to be temporary secretary 7:01 Pledge of allegiance and acceptance of agenda with the additions of Ben Tripp and Marko Liias 7:02 no…