Washington Anti-Discrimination Act
Initiative 200 was a Tim Eyman-led initiative that created a 1998 law for Washington State that bans preferences in public contracting, education, and public employment. Despite the ability for public agencies to do certain activities such as establishing voluntary goals and conducting specialized outreach, I-200 has had a devastating effect…
Meeting Agenda – June 24, 2020
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, JUNE 24, 2020 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7:00) SAY THEIR NAMES (7:02) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:05) READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:07 – Robin Macnofsky) Meeting Minutes – May 27, 2020 GUESTS: 7:10 – Amanuel Mamo, Jesse Wineberry, Mark Lindquist – I-1776 7:20 –…
Meeting Minutes – May 27, 2020
MAY 27, 2020 VIRTUAL 31st LD General Meeting Minutes (via ZOOM) ZOOM Host: 31st LD Chair, Brian Gunn CALL TO ORDER Approval of Agenda (7:02) 36 participants attending online via Zoom. Body adopted April 15, 2020 meeting minutes with no changes. Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2020 adopted…
State Representative, 31st LD, Pos. 2 – Thomas R Clark
Legislative Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: Thomas R Clark Position Sought: State Representative (Non-incumbent) Home Legislative District: 31 Democrat: Yes Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: Alyson Clark Phone: +12536702553 Address: 21821 26th St E, Lake Tapps, WA 98391 Website: https://www.electtomclark.com/ Email: Non-incumbent Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thomas-R-Clark-110209617370866/?modal=admin_todo_tour Twitter: Part I – Candidate Background 1. Please briefly describe your…