Pursuant to the bylaws, Executive Board Members are elected for a two-year term.
Article VIII, Section C and Article IX, Section C of the bylaws of the Democratic Party of the State of Washington, states that the organization meetings of County and Legislative District Organizations:
“…shall take place in December or January following each state general election held in even-numbered years. At the organizational meeting, the committee shall elect a chair, a vice chair, a state committeewoman, a state committeeman and any representatives it is authorized to send to other Party organizations.”
Below is a list of duly elected officers who are serving for the 2023-2024 term.
Title | Name | |
District Chair | Sarah Edwards | chair@31stdistrictdemocrats.org |
First Vice Chair | Vacant | |
Second Vice Chair | Judith Chelotti | |
State Central Committee Member | Tamara Stramel | |
State Central Committee Member | Rudy Adams | |
PCDCC Rep | Leslie Larson | |
PCDCC Rep | Kirby Pollard | |
PCDCC Rep | Vacant | |
KCDCC Rep 1 | John Westland | |
KCDCC Rep Alternate 1 | Vacant | |
Secretary | Robin Macnofsky | |
Treasurer | Helen Mansfield | financecmte@31stdistrictdemocrats.org |
Communications Committee Chair | Michelle DePorter-Bratt | newsletter@31stdistrictdemocrats.org |
Outreach/Public Relations Committee Chair | Helen Mansfield | |
Fundraising/Events Committee Chair | Vacant | |
Membership Committee Chair | Cora Young | |
Website Committee Chair | Matthew Brown | webmaster@31stdistrictdemocrats.org |
PCO Coordinator Committee Chair | Amber Olsen Walker |