Executive Board and Committee Chairs

Pursuant to the bylaws, Executive Board Members are elected for a two-year term.

Article VIII, Section C and Article IX, Section C of the bylaws of the Democratic Party of the State of Washington, states that the organization meetings of County and Legislative District Organizations:

“…shall take place in December or January following each state general election held in even-numbered years. At the organizational meeting, the committee shall elect a chair, a vice chair, a state committeewoman, a state committeeman and any representatives it is authorized to send to other Party organizations.”

Below is a list of duly elected officers who are serving for the 2023-2024 term.

District ChairSarah Edwardschair@31stdistrictdemocrats.org
First Vice ChairVacant
Second Vice ChairJudith Chelotti
State Central Committee MemberTamara Stramel
State Central Committee MemberRudy Adams
PCDCC RepLeslie Larson
PCDCC RepKirby Pollard
PCDCC RepVacant
KCDCC Rep 1John Westland
KCDCC Rep Alternate 1Vacant
SecretaryRobin Macnofsky
TreasurerHelen Mansfieldfinancecmte@31stdistrictdemocrats.org
Communications Committee ChairMichelle DePorter-Brattnewsletter@31stdistrictdemocrats.org
Outreach/Public Relations Committee ChairHelen Mansfield
Fundraising/Events Committee ChairVacant
Membership Committee ChairCora Young
Website Committee ChairMatthew Brownwebmaster@31stdistrictdemocrats.org
PCO Coordinator Committee ChairAmber Olsen Walker

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