31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
January 3rd, 2018, 7 pm
K.C. Democrats Office, Auburn
Called to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn. A quorum of 9 members were present.
Brian said that he contacted the Lowry campaign regarding their request for assistance to retire their debt and was told it was no longer needed. M/S/P to rescind our $600 donation.
Holiday Party: In spite of a few complications (and illnesses), the party was well attended and a good time was had by participants.
Program Speakers: Allison is trying to get Peirce County Young Democrats to speak; No commitment yet. Brian is also trying to get the Alliance, pending Legislative session demands.
PCO Recruitment: Two nominations received: Michelle Rylands (Auburn) and Jean Hoyland (Enumclaw). They will be at the General mtg and Kali may have others for consideration.
Brian is planning to establish regular office hours on Wednesdays from 6-8pm and Sundays after 1pm. He’ll be posting an office number on the website as well.
The DNC is proving a grant to the state party to fund 3 Political Organizers to help “Flip The 8th” in November. They will be working Federal Way, Auburn and Enumclaw in conjunction with Kali.
Continuing to solicit potential candidates for House & Senate and local races in 2018. No commitments yet.
Bylaws: Recommendation for standing rules for endorsements & contributions; revised candidate questionnaire are pending review. Committee will try to have drafts for consideration at the January meeting.
2018 L.D. Caucus’ is set for 10 am, Saturday, March 24th and will propose site selection at general meeting. State convention in July. January 31 is deadline for Delegates to state convention committees (Credential, Platform & Rules).
Treasurer Report: (Rudy) Submitted for 11/30/17 & 12 31/17. Discussion was held about dues vs donations on website. It was decided that donations and membership would be mutually exclusive.
Sarah suggested that we have a program in February from the new Auburn Homeless Shelter. She will contact them about availability. It was also suggested that we ask the 8th Congressional candidates to come to a future meeting for an initial Q&A, before their schedules began to fill up.
M/S/C to adjourn at 8:25pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary