31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
May 2nd, 2018, 7 pm
K.C. Democrats Office, Auburn
Called to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn. A quorum of 14 board members were present.
Brian gave an update on the PDC complaint and advice of counsel. Following discussion of possible options, the board came to a consensus on a proposed strategy and developed questions for the chair to communicate to counsel and report back.
May 6th Fundraiser: 65 tickets sold to date. Board members were urged to share on social media for a last push for additional attendees. Several speakers, including the state Chair and several 8th C.D. candidates, have confirmed and others are still pending. Kathy & Lucy are coordinating food. Discussed payment process and confirmed agenda. Awaiting confirmation on insurance rider being provided by the K.C. Democrats.
Sarah asked if we could reduce the number of hard copies of minutes, etc. at the regular meeting. It was agreed that fewer were necessary.
May 23rd Endorsement Meeting: We discussed process to credential eligible members for voting. Alli & Sarah will meet to confirm details.
Brian has been contacted by Hillary Haden, Washington Fair Trade Coalition, requesting non-monetary sponsorship on a candidate forum on Free Trade. M/S/P to support the forum, scheduled for May 21 at Bellevue College.
Brian advised that our current office arrangement will likely cease as early as next month and we need to look for alternative meeting sites for E-Board meetings. Britt will research status of space at local libraries.
There was brief discussion clarifying processing of resolutions to support vs endorsements of ballot issues.
M/S/C to adjourn at 9:05pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary