Guest Speaker Highlight for July: Cindy Jacobs of Whole Washington

At our July 24, 2019 meeting (link to the agenda), we welcome speaker Cindy Jacobs of Whole Washington.

From their website: “Whole Washington is a grassroots coalition of healthcare professionals, activists and volunteers from all sectors, age groups, and perspectives across the State of Washington and beyond. Our common belief is that healthcare is a human right, and with that principle in mind, we are passionately fighting for a single-payer, Universal Healthcare system to serve all of us.

“We endorse efforts on both a state and national level and support organizations, officials, and candidates that are working with urgency to make Universal Healthcare a reality. Our focus is on those that are struggling and vulnerable, not the privileged few who may be inconvenienced. We do not support delay tactics, incremental approaches, or any effort that assumes the for-profit model can stay in place for necessary care. We believe the only way to true social justice, cost relief, and personal freedom is through a single-payer system.”

Cindy Jacobs is a nurse-attorney with over 30 years of combined legal and healthcare experience. As an RN and ARNP before attending law school at UCLA, she worked primarily in neonatal intensive care.  As an attorney, she has represented and advised healthcare clients regarding a broad spectrum of health care issues, spoken extensively on health law subjects, and has taught health law classes at the law school level for the past eight years.  Her specific areas of expertise and focus include telemedicine, healthcare compliance and other healthcare regulatory law (including licensing, reimbursement, and other related regulatory schemes), FDA law, professional liability, risk and quality management, scope of practice, informed consent, and clinically-related contracting. She is a partner at Jacobs Riggs, where her practice and consulting work focus on healthcare issues. Cindy’s nursing roots and passion for patients’ welfare run deep; she is committed to helping secure universal rights to safe and affordable healthcare for all patients.

She will be speaking to the path forward for universal healthcare in Washington via the legislature or a ballot measure.

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