Our 31st LD Delegation to the State Convention is going to be meeting soon to discuss the State Party Platform. There’s still time for you to join us! We have 3 delegate positions open, and room for up to 10 alternates. All members of the delegation, including alternates, can join our delegation meetings and propose amendments to the Platform & Rules or resolutions to be sent to the State Convention for consideration.
If you would like to join our delegation, just get in touch with our Delegation Chair, Brian Gunn, (gunnbl@comcast.net or 253-334-8614) to learn more. We want our delegation to be as diverse as possible, so if you identify as Hispanic/Latino, Black, Native American, Asian American & Pacific Islander, Person with Disabilities, LGBTQ+, or Youth (under 35), please join us! Our delegation is currently weighted toward folks who identify as female, so we’d love to hear from those who identify as male or non-binary. There is also no age limit and no requirement to be a registered voter, so if you know youngsters under 18 who would like a fun way to get involved in politics, please encourage them to join.