Hello fellow Democrats of the 31st District! Would you like to see the Democratic party from the inside? Meet fellow Democrats from our district and around the state? Give direct input into the Washington Democrats’ platform and resolutions? Help decide who the Washington Democrats endorse in the statewide races, in this year of many open seats? Then you should run to be a delegate to the Washington Democrats State Convention!
The convention is on Saturday, June 22, location TBA, but there will also be a virtual option so that you can attend from home if you choose. The deadline to file to run for delegate is MARCH 31st, and you can find more info and pre-register here. The state party is offering virtual trainings on how to run for delegate, and you can sign for one of those here.
If you would like to participate in this delegate selection process by VOTING for the delegates, you need to be a member of the 31st Democrats! All PCOs are members automatically. Otherwise please pay your 2024 dues if you haven’t yet! In order to guarantee a vote in the delegate election on April 6, you must pay dues by MARCH 9th.
In addition, at our FEBRUARY 28th general meeting we will elect a representative from the 31st LD for each of the three state convention committees:
- RULES COMMITTEE: In advance of the state convention, will draft the proposed rules and agenda for convention.
- PLATFORM COMMITTEE: In advance of the state convention, will propose a written platform and consider amendments and resolutions submitted by LDs. Usually several meetings.
- CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: At state convention, will certify delegates for the state and national convention. They will also be responsible for recommending settlement of all challenges by the rules committee and supporting the Affirmative Action Committee on discussing attainment of goals that the state party has set for each legislative district.
If you would like to serve on one of these committees, you can nominate yourself at the general meeting on the 28th, or if you’re not a current 31st member, you can have a member nominate you. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested and would like more information!