Meeting Minutes – February 25, 2025

42  present at Grange Hall   + 17 present online


We acknowledge that our legislative district is on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup and Muckleshoot tribes, who have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time, and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true allyship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond. Optional Pledge of allegiance

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Judi C motioned to approve the agenda, Rudy A seconded, Motion unanimously approved.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 11, 2025   Rudy A motioned to approve minutes, Helen M seconded. Minutes are unanimously approved.


  • Ryan Mello – Pierce County Executive    RM: Spoke to the members for approximately 15 minutes. He described his priorities for the coming year, and the budget deficits facing the Pierce County Council (PCC). RM is the first Democratic County Exec in (decades?) along with a Democratic majority on the Council. He served for 10 years with the Pierce Conservation District and with Cascade Land Conservancy, protecting local farms and forests. Previously on the PCC he represented a primarily urban district (Tacoma / Fircrest).  This is the first time in 18 years that [Pierce Cty Dems] have majority control in local and state government—with majority women and Democratic leadership [on the Council].

PCC passed the first comprehensive plan to functionally end homelessness—”… the objective is to have ‘functionally zero’ homelessness: so that it is brief, rare and one-time only… We have developed clear measures for success to implement the plan—affordable housing is a key factor. GOP argue that all homeless are addicts or don’t want to work. Data show this is wrong.” RM Main reasons for homelessness:  1) lack of available, affordable housing. 2) lack of income. 3) family crisis (emotional or domestic violence. “We are following the data.  Substance use is NOT the main cause. Or mental illness.” The Maureen Howard Housing Act passed in 2023 to build permanently affordable housing—for people who work but cannot afford a mortgage. Also provides homes for folks on SSI, with disability, or low-income. About 500 units are planned. “For folks living in Unincorporated Pierce County –we [PCC] are your government services.”

WA Legislature is in session now—PCC must find more revenue for sheriffs, crumbling infrastructure, safety net services; RM is in Olympia and going to WA DC this week to advocate for funds. WA state receives $200M in federal funds— covers essential services for low-income elders in-home / long-term care, energy assistance. WA has serious budget challenges at state level—so budget cuts are going to directly impact these county services.”

Q & A Session followed with RM  Topics covered were:  Q: Carbon River Corridor Action Plan—but was told that PCC will not help our org. this year facing critical lack of basic services: no law enforcement, no EMS services, no cell phone coverage, no landline, no patrols from sheriffs. Forest service just lost staff. No seasonal workers. Can we get ANY support from the Cty?  RM: “…a lot of intertwined issues: Rural growth is very expensive to serve—we need to limit rural growth.” Will look into CenturyLink / landline repairs and other issues. (RM stated that many of those services are out of the purview of PCC)  Q: Carbonado/ Carbon River Canyon Emergency Evacuation Map before next tourist season—promised but never delivered. RM I will ask for this to be high priority!!  Q: What is the most effective way to reach our PCC reps? RM: To be an effective advocate: “…ask yourself, ‘who’ are you trying to reach and ‘what’ is your goal. What is their preferred means of commination:” RM calls it “Power Mapping”: how officials comminate and who influences them the most.  Q: Save the Ryan House: group is currently working with City Council—how can we work with the County? RM Meet with Paul Herrera—push for a meeting. Show up at the weekly 3pm PCC meeting for open mike if not returning calls.  

Q: “What is the main cause of dwindling revenues for the PCC?” RM We have a budget deficit in Pierce County –as in WA. “Our main tools for revenue are SALES & PROPERTY TAX. WA state sets limits on both– and what the funds may be used for; but taxes are not keeping up with inflation of goods/labor/everything.” Some shared revenue from alcohol & cannabis. To balance the last budget PCC used county reserves (will run out in 4 years) “…we need more revenue options.” New PCC Proposal to lift mandated prop tax increase limit from 1% to 3% p/year. Average cost would be $8.50 p/ month if taxes were increased. Or county is forced to lay-off staff. No State Income tax in WA state (Most regressive tax system in US). Prop tax is one of the least regressive methods to increase gov. revenue. “An average priced homeowner in Pierce County would pay less than $10 more per month for essential services.”


  • Members shared activities of protest and community building


  • Remove [prior treasurer] Mark Dunning from banking: Tamara S Motions to remove Mark Dunning from the 31st LD bank account. Rudy A seconds. Motion passes unanimously. Mark D has been removed from the bank accounts (as he is no longer a member or Treasurer).
  • Consideration of proposed resolution: Resolution Affirming Trans Rights: Judy C: Motion to consider this proposed resolution affirming Transgender Rights.  Leslie L: seconds the motion; the proposed motion is unanimously approved. Sarah E: shares a personal story to describe her relationship to this resolution and to trans rights; about exertion of power and authority vs individual autonomy. Metaphor for trans people who experience lack of autonomy over their body / gender. The Trans community is one of the most targeted groups by POTUS. They are us–members of our community. the resolution is officially adopted. Sarah E: Please reach out to our elected officials to endorse this resolution.
  • Treasurer Report: Budget: Helen M: The 2025 budget is not ready for approval. I will be meeting with our Eboard and 31st members to train as co-treasurers, to ensure that all our members understand PDC requirements and to improve security backstop. Helen has revised the budget format for better clarity. Our bank balance now closely aligns with the PDC balance (off $6 ).


  • Chair’s report Sarah Edwards –: National Politics. Musk / DOGE: Doesn’t understand the levers of power. “Our elected reps are there to write laws and vote in our best interest. We are here to be loud in their support. Politics is Participatory. Call your reps to give them ammunition to do the job that we asked them to do.” Share personal stories about how these cuts are affecting you. When you are calling your reps you are doing good work.  Please call your relatives in red states.

Insurance Issue: Marion Grange (current meeting space) is demanding liability insurance. Cost is $890 for annual insurance. We are looking for a new meeting space. Schools? Bonney Lake Fire station? Check the 31st website & FB page about where/how [Zoom] we meet next month.

  • Treasurer’s report: Helen Mansfield: Cross Training idea? Need to have backup folks for tech and hybrid meetings: sharing screen on zoom, etc. Eobard developing plan for classes
  • VICE Chair: Judy Chelotti: attended Emily Randall’s meeting on FB. Also: Rep’s Marilyn Strickland 8th CD, Kim Schrier 9th CD, 10th Adam Smith. Just ‘Show Up!’ Dave Morell is our Pierce City rep: He is asking for 3 names to be submitted for the Citizens Advisory Board for Pierce City Parks & Recreation. Contact Dave’s email for more info: 
  • State Dem Central Committee: Tamara S & Rudy A. attended the state reorg meeting with Shasti Conrad. WADem Party Chair. Elected Reps for WADCC Board. Rudy A is on the Finance Committee and Tamara is back on Advocacy Committee. Join Tamara for Meet your Representative Day in Olympia. Tuesday, March 6th . Robin M & Judi C volunteered to go on a different day to meet with 31st LD Rep. Fortunato.  31st LD Dems Book Club is starting up again. We are discussing “On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder. [31st LD Theme for 2025 is Democracy in Action]. A Good Book in Sumner has copies at a discount if you mention the book club. Save The Date: April 8th 6-8 at the Bonney Lake library.
  • Pierce County Dems Central Committee Leslie Larsen: Rep Marilyn Strickland’s rep was there: She has been Secretary for the Congressional Black Caucus. House Armed services committee. Kristin Ang Port of Tacoma: Keep attn on the state budget, big cuts coming. No progressive revenue:   HB1399 –must pass to restrict harm   SB5066 restricts AG power—stop passing. FYI: Buckley’s historic Rainier School is on docket to be closed. HB1908 must pass to protect our disabled students. Long time effort to get people with disabilities moved into group homes. Need to rally more public support for the school.
  • Membership Chair: Cora Young. New membership Chair. 52 members currently. Big list of 31st LD contacts that needs to be updated. Need volunteers.
  • PCO Chair: Amber OW, still recruiting PCO’s for 31st  LD. Duties include door-knocking and phone calls to recruit members or GOTV. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors. We have trainings and classes to get folks up to speed. Fun and energizing. PCO’s are only contacting Dems or likely Dems.


Pierce County Conservation District Vote is this Friday. Return your ballot at Puyallup office or postmarked by February 28 –received by March 5.

Resistance Protests weekly on Sundays: 2pm to 3pm at Bonney Lake Costco corner 410 & 204th.

Kirby Pollard health update.

ADJOURNMENT  Tamara S: motioned to adjourn , Judi C seconded. Meeting adjourned.

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