Meeting Minutes – July 24, 2024

Disclaimer: timing and order of agenda items is tentative, subject to the availability of our guests and speakers.


We acknowledge that our legislative district is on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup and Muckleshoot tribes, who have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true ally-ship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Unanimously approved.



Paul CrisalliKing County Superior Court, Dept 41—Spoke to members for 3 minutes and answered questions. (pending eligibility for endorsement)

TaTeasha DavisPierce County Superior Court, Dept 1 Spoke to members for 3 minutes and answered questions. (Eligible for endorsement)

Ingrid McLeodPierce County Superior Court, Dept 15 Spoke to members for 3 minutes and answered questions. (pending eligibility for endorsement)


Brian Gunn, National Delegate to 2024 Democratic Convention: Update on event: News is that a formal process for nominating candidates for POTUS & VP to be within rules of the DNC. 4,000 delegates will be attending the DNC. Once POTUS announced he was withdrawing, we gathered as a state delegation informally to look at the processes. BG: The DNC has not provided the main list of delegates. Delegates will be asked to sign a petition to get on the first ballot underway now and make that available to other candidates: threshold to qualify is 300 signatures of delegates with no more than 50 from one state. BG expecting to get a request to sign from Kamala. There will be a Roll Call Vote—probably prior to Chicago. Some states have election laws in place, that a candidate must be nominated by the party prior to 8/19/24 [the end of the convention date (8/22)] OH, WA, and 4 others. A roll call will be held by virtual means—will be binding vote to nominate candidate for the DNC. These will not include the vote of “automatic” delegates (party leaders). The process is: 1).  Roll call & Petitioning to be on ballot. 2). Ballot vote 3) winning candidate(s) to appear on every state ballot. This will be my FIRST National convention—I’m very excited about attending. Constituency caucuses. Hope to attend the Environmental Caucus.  Tamara S: Who got to vote for you—state comm (Mark B and Tamara S) people got to vote on delegates. DNC is currently Polling the state committee Reps. Sarah E: should we lobby you for our choices? BG’s daughter is hearing a lot of excitement in the younger cohort about K’s nomination. BG: WA state delegates will vote (tomorrow) on 3 new alternate delegates. Some of our members are interested in being an alternate. Also endorsement vote on VP Harris for POTUS by the body of WA delegates—HOWEVER the vote is not binding. All delegates are still able to vote their conscience on the first ballot of the DNC. Alex M: are there resolutions at the DNC? Platform will be voted on—but no interactive process to add or subtract amendments.

Alex Milsten30th LD Dems (S King County – Federal Way) We are hosting outreach to assist LDs that could use some GOTV support. We use discord to connect with each other to DM for coordination of meetups and canvassing and fairs that need support/volunteers. Sarah E: has joined and it’s a great resource to connect with our neighboring LD’s. Alex says they may bring back the spaghetti dinner for S King Cty Dems.


Manka Dhingra’s campaign – Ashley Jackson:

Ryan Mello’s campaign: RM: spoke to members for 3 minutes. Shout out to BG for attending the DNC. Campaign doing well with solid support—running against Kelly Chambers—extreme GOP voting record. Rec’g endorsements form Firefighters and PP. Alliance for Gun responsibility–growing list at Ryan Voter resources as well. Still raising funds to flip the Pierce County Exec seat Blue! In Pierce County we need more votes to win than any Cong seat!  Current Cty Exec. won’t allow the pride fag to fly –but Pierce Cty overruled so it flies in the chambers. Homeless/Unhoused issue is huge—need for well managed Tiny Home villages to help stabilize local unhoused. There are 2,660 unhoused people in the last census count—and are short by hundreds of shelter beds. (use hyperlink)

Brian Gunn’s campaign  State Rep Pos 2: BG spoke for 3 minutes. Will be at Wilkeson. Canvassing all week and would love some help. Will be sharing his times and locations between 4-6 pm M-F to knock doors. 4-way race –another Dem on the ballot—but has signs up. no photo or bio in the pamphlet. This is crunch week to move forward. People for Brian Gunn. com to donate for signs. Robin: Can we create a slate sign for “Ferguson, Schrier, Gunn”—and use the $500 allotted to/and refused by Sarah S’s campaign? (use hyperlink)

Kim Schrier’s campaign, Marissa. Campaign manager: Phone-banking every Thursday and Sunday virtually. (use hyperlink)

Marilyn Strickland’s Campaign: Marcus H. spoke about GOTV.  Marilyn showed up for the 31st LD canvassing last Sunday just as Biden was announcing he dropped out of the race. Please help if you can and donate, or volunteer for more canvassing. (use hyperlink)

WA State Dems Coord Campaign Trevor is with 31st LD & 25th LD. Thank you to Amber for getting folks out there. If you need assistance to canvass contact me to help with turf cutting. (use hyperlink)


Endorsement requests VOTING:  TaTeasha Davis Helen M moved to endorse, Damita O’D seconded: “Righting the wrongs in the justice system.” TaTeasha Davis is Unanimously endorsed by voice vote.

PCO appointmentShina Batson PCO. Lives in Sumner. Wants to be more involved. Michelle DP: Motioned to appoint Shina for the remainder of the term. Helen: Seconded. Unanimous voice vote Shina is appointed PCO

Money for Brian Gunn Signage for slate signs: Robin M motioned to spend $500 on slate signs for the 31st/8th CD the 31st/10th CD & 31st/6th CD. Shina seconded. Helen M. 3 separate signs—how will we get bulk discount? How do we pay for the remaining funds—from Brians campaign?   Robin M rescinded motion. TBD offline discussion


Treasurer’s Report Mark Dunning: (Sarah E) shared report. Helen M moved to accept report. Judi C seconded, Report is unanimously approved by Voice vote

Chairs Report: Sarah Edwards: I sent out an email earlier this week –These are stressful times. Feeling some hope today—but it’s still an uphill battle. Being engaged can help keep us sane—pick a GOTV activity, fairs, canvassing, postcards to voters, virtual phone banking. New enthusiasm recently—to DO something. Chellie DP is going to add link in the chat (below to our website)—look at the many ways get involved—hit link and add your name and email. Attended Indivisible Tacoma social event with Judi C. YI: Our annual Summer Picnic is next month at Game Farm park. Aug 25th Sunday, and Sign Waving Aug 4 2-3 on 410 at Costco & in BL. Monday Aug 5th in Lakeland Hills by Sunset park, 5-6.

Fairs Report Helen Mansfield –: Shout out to Kirby P has been the booth anchor for every setup and take down. Thanks to everyone who has been at the booth Sign Up Genius is online on 31st LD Dems website. Pierce County Dems booth using same sign-up genius, WA State Fair (Puyallup) State Dems’ booth need volunteers to take 4 hour shifts–and you can get in for free with parking permit. Shout out to Robin, Kirby, Helen & Chellie for developing and managing our new booth look at fairs this summer. To date–12 new folks have signed up to volunteer!! LeRoy (2nd LD Dems) is inviting us to assist in their booth at the Pierce County Fair.

KCDCC Rep Andrea Ornelas—. KCDCC voted to endorse NO on the 6 state initiatives coming up on the General ballot initiated by GOP to repeal previous initiatives. 2117, etc…

31st LD Book Club Tamara Stramel –: Our LD’s annual guiding theme is Health—and on that topic is women’s reproductive issues. We’ll be reading “You’re the only one I’ve told:  Stories Behind Abortion”: on August 10th –meeting at Bonney lake Library 10;30—12;30


LeRoy Perkins: Pierce Cty Fair in Graham: Dem Booth shared by local LDs: still have room for volunteers: 3 shifts per day Th-Sun. mostly filled –but can use more volunteers –admission tickets are provided. In Graham on Frontier Park on Meridien. Swing by and say hello and/or stay to help talk with voters.

Brian Gunn: Since Voters Pamphlet is delayed in the 31st LD–. 31st could make a PSA for voters –Brian to use the email list—He could send out a campaign message to advise voters on slate of endorsed candidates, website for online pamphlet—another PSA to voters. TBD,

            Judi Chelotti: Linda Farmer hired an election ed specialist to visit libraries to educate voters about the WA state electoral process. Also recruiting drop box observers. 466 voters cannot read their ballots—keeps happening with same voters.

Kirby Pollard: Election Observer training (in Tacoma, (Pierce Cty Elections Office–across from IBEW): July 25th10-am  & 1pm   Chellie DP dropped the link to the election observer training:

ADJOURNMENT Helen M motioned to adjourn. Tamara S seconded. Meeting Adjourned at 8:58pm.

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