October 21, 2020 “Ballot Party” meeting notes
VIRTUAL 31st LD General Meeting Minutes (via ZOOM)
ZOOM Host: 31st LD Chair, Brian Gunn
Meeting called to order at 7:06 PM, followed by flag salute
7:09 Agenda approved as amended M/S/Passed with no objections by acclamation
September meeting minutes approved as presented M/S/Passed with no objections by acclamation
7:10 Katie Young campaign update
7:15 Thomas Clarke campaign update
7:20 Corinne Donohue-Mercier spoke about volunteer opportunities (Tamara took over due to mic troubles)
7:25 Brian and Sarah updated about lit drops and lit drop volunteer opportunities
7:28 Benjamin Tripp (representative from Kim Schrier’s campaign) gave a campaign update
7:30 Rudy Adams gave the Treasurer’s Report, some details on PDC reporting periods and changes. M/S/C (unanimous) to approve as presented.
Brian discussed some eboard actions related to approving spending from the budget.
7:37 Julie Anne Kempf (expert on election administration, chair of the 46th) spoke about the election, followed by a Q&A
8:30 General discussion about our endorsements, the races, and candidates
M/S/C to adjourn 8:40 PM