Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2024

General Meeting Agenda – October 23, 2024

Disclaimer: timing and order of agenda items is tentative, subject to the availability of our guests and speakers.  27 present at Grange Hall 11+ present online

CALL TO ORDER/LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT   Sarah Edwards called meeting to order at 7:00pm

Chairs led the following: We acknowledge that our legislative district is on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup and Muckleshoot tribes, who have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true allyship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond. Followed by Pledge of Allegiance (participation optional)

APPROVAL OF AGENDA   Kirby P. Motion to approve; Brian G Seconded. Agenda unanimously approved.

READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Robin Macnofsky, Secy.    Victor M motioned to accept minutes, Brian G seconded. Minutes unanimously approved.




  • Calvin Jones Fuse WANo on 2024 Initiatives defend WA Campaign to vote NO on all 4 initiatives. Fuse is WA state’s largest progressive advocacy orgs. 2117, 2124, 2109, 2066—money behind them is Brian Heywood hedge fund manager –good for him and wealthy friends and corporations. Bad for the rest of us who are not CEOs.

2117 Seeks to repeal Climate Commitment Act CCA—caps emissions. Repealing would allow oil companies to pollute for free—more emissions, bad air quality, cuts to trans funding.

2124: Opting out of long-term care would take away benefits form 3.9 million WA residents. We are in a crisis with elders going homeless because they cannot afford the costs of aging not covered by Medicare/Medicaid. Initiative would demolish this program. For broad public benefit we need all to participate.

2109: Capital Gains Tax: repeals the wealth tax affects only the extreme wealthiest—who have profits more than 250K in just stocks and bonds. Funds education and childcare.  

2066: Building industry paid for this one—makes public utilities more polluting by gutting the state energy building law, HB 1859, which calls for smart investments to clean up the grid and transition from natural gas. Language is broad and would cause a lot of damage to progressive efforts to move to clean energy.

Brian G question: Who qualifies for the PSE rebate of $250 on the gas bill? Answer: Not true that repealing “NO” on 2066 would take away all our natural gas. If you are already a gas consumer you are protected under state law. But 2066 makes it easier to continue building more gas homes in the future. Costs are better for builders—but bad for the environment.

Cameron question on 2109: could it be reduced to lower limits over time to affect more households? Calvin J: WA has the most regressive tax system in the country. This initiative is narrowly targeted to impact only the wealthiest folks.


Melissa ChaudhryUS Representative CD 9  Discussed her priorities of affordable housing, immigrant support. Discussed her professional experience with public housing. Lifelong activist for peace at home and abroad: work experience on three continents. Daughter of Navy vet and wife of veteran. 

Victor: Gaza/Israel—what can you do to help achieve a ceasefire and force Israel to allow humanitarian aid? What is the strongest action you would support? MC: “2 wrongs do not make a right. MC wants an arms embargo (on Israel) starting tomorrow—our money is being used to slaughter children rather than being used to educate them here at home.” 

Brian G: Do you have opinion about how we use the land: i.e., we consume a lot of meat—contributes to greenhouse gases. What’s your opinion about transitioning for meat-based land usage? MC: “In my 20’s I learned about permaculture—by improving organic matter in soil by 2% we can draw down significant amounts of carbon in our atmosphere.”  Meat & climate change are not opposed. Supports return to small ecological farming as fast as humanly possible.

Amber OW: What is your solution to the unhoused folks in WA state? MC: The Stranger emphasized my housing policies—publicly subsidized—spent to create and sustain public housing and to make rents more affordable; permitting process needs to be streamlined. Must provide low–end affordable housing, such as Community Land Trusts.

Chellie DP: Could you talk about how Labor / Unions are taking back their power?  MC: Strengthening unions is how we prevent having a French revolution. Says she has always been a union member and was on picket line with Boeing workers 3 weeks ago. Wage gap in real cost of living and wages must be reset NOW. Big supporter of Labor and rebalancing wage gap.

John W: Existential threats to our democracy and global. Immigration, politician tend to polarize issues… What can you do to address the polarization in our communities and states? How do we tone down rhetoric? . MC: “…the media and divisive content has a corrosive effect on our ability to get things down—I personally come with empathy and curiosity to everyone I speak with; we need to listen and understand each other to make progress and break through the divisions. The people I’ll be reaching out to first don’t have any PAC funding. Was at a school with kids from diverse backgrounds who saw clearly that America is struggling to treat everyone fairly. . MC’s grandfather was Norwegian immigrant who survived nazi concentration camp. “It’s personal. We  need to inject humanity back into the national conversation about immigration.”

Adam SmithUS Representative CD 9  Discussed his union ties, long history with the party, says he has delivered progressive priorities for WA state. Worked to change federal law to make land available for affordable housing. Also touted his office’s constituent services (helping residents with Medicare, and social services, and veterans issues) and his support for the ACA, Build Back Better, and the American Rescue Plan. Has drafted a bill that bans hedge funds from buying houses.

Victor M: How would you work in congress to ensure humanitarian aid gets into Gaza? AS: Says he has supported a ceasefire in Gaza since February. Hamas embeds themselves in schools and hospitals so makes it difficult. On military aid –Isreal has been targeted by both Hama and Hezbollah has been lobbing missiles at Israel—not good thing to stop to aiding Israel in defending themselves.

Chellie DP: Why have we not previously seen you at a 31st LD meeting? AS: Prior to 2022 I did not have any precincts in the 31st LD. After 2022, I didn’t realize that the change had given me 2 new precincts. That is my oversight, not noticing that change in 2022. I’m happy to come visit in the future:

Tamara S.  How will you embrace the new younger leaders in our State –how are we transitioning to younger leadership in our bench? AS: I’m still feeling the fire, and let’s not be ageists. I often speak to youth councils, work with interns and recruit and support younger candidates. Jessie Johnson got started and elected with my support along with several other new younger leaders, I want young people involved and I’m encouraged by the fact that they are getting engaged.

Paul RobsonPierce County Superior Court, Dept 1 – Running against an incumbent appointed by the Governor. Grew up in Tacoma and worked as Judicial Assistant in Pierce County. After law school became an administrative judge and then joined the military and served in active duty. Served as an Army Judge Advocate, Special Attorney with family law issues, landlord tenant issues, and disability discharge procedures. Received an expert ranking in security law with multiple assignments with pentagon and deployments to Africa and Iraq. “As superior Court Judge—I will start on time and court will not be cancelled or delayed for personal reasons.” Also commented unprompted that he pays his taxes.

Amber OW: is there a defining moment in your career that impacts your view of being a judge? PR: Heavy responsibility as a military judge / atty in combat environment: you are the one that says it legal to use force within a city or town…”  Chellie DP: “Judge Davis reported her debt on her records. What purpose does it serve for you to insult your opponent…”  PR: “My opponent still has not paid off her liens after 2-3 years. I do not owe back taxes. And I believe that shows personal integrity.”

Bill Pugh, Chair of Sumner Bonney Lake Citizens Group for School Bond Prop 1: Bill is a volunteer requesting us to vote “YES” on the BLSB Bond.


  • Endorsement requests: Sarah E: reminded the members that the LD can only vote to endorse one candidate according to our bylaws, or none. Robin M: Motioned to endorse US Rep Adam Smith. John W: seconded. The motion to endorse rep Adam Smith was defeated (6) yea to (9) nay. Rep Adam Smith is not endorsed by the 31st LD.

Tamara S Motion to endorse Melissa Chaudhry. Brian G: Seconded. Motion to endorse Melissa Chaudhry passes (11) yea to (3) nay. The 31st LD Democrats endorse candidate Melissa Chaudhry for US Representative, 9th CD.

  • Reimbursement for Democratic National Convention delegates: Tamara S: “I move to add a line item to the [2024] budget for $1000. For reimbursement of DNC attendee expenses incurred by members of the 31st LD, at $500 each.” Victor M: Seconded. Motion passed on unanimous voice vote.
  • Bonney Lake School Bond: Tamara S: motion to waive the requirement for a completed questionnaire before voting to endorse the S/BL SB Bond proposal. Brian G: Seconded. Unanimously approved. Helen M: Motion to endorse S/BL School Bond. Chellie DP: Seconded. Motion Unanimously approved. The 31st LD endorses the Sumner/Bonney Lake School Bond.


  • Sarah E – Chair’s report: The new Harris Walz yard signs are free to all canvassers.
  • Amber OW: Book Club We have a new Book for the book club: Date TBD. Check the newsletter!
  • Brian G & Amber OW: CanvassingWe have knocked over 2000 doors!


Judith C: Nurses are on picket line on Nov 1, at St Joe’s in Tacoma. Candidate Ryan Mello is speaking. JC Attended PCDCC party at the EQC—Watch Party on election night 11/5 at the EQC.

Brian G: KCDCC: is still hosting phone banking opportunities in WA state or in battleground states!


Robin M Motion to adjourn. John W: Seconded. Meeting adjourned.

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