Meeting Minutes – September 25, 2024

CALL TO ORDER/LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT   Brian Gunn called meeting to order at 7:00pm

We acknowledge that our legislative district is on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup and Muckleshoot tribes, who have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true allyship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond. Followed by Pledge of Allegiance (participation optional)

APPROVAL OF AGENDA   Helen M. Motion to approve; Judi C seconded. Agenda approved.

READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES Robin Macnofsky Secy.    Helen Motioned to accept minutes, Victor seconded. Minutes approved.

Meeting Minutes – July 24, 2024


Abby White – Trans Care Issues: Ex Director at Hope Development Practice NP behavioral health agency. Sumner, Enumclaw, mental health services for LGTBQ community. Trans affirming care. Many youth we work with—heated rhetoric during election. A lot of teens are very aware though they cannot vote—feel powerless since can’t vote on policy, rights and identity are being questioned vilified. High suicide rates. How can we support the trans people during this time. Diff support groups. Gender ?? art therapy processing Group meets on Wed (11-24 teens) Issues include access to care. Misinformation is everywhere about types of care. Many steps and processes to access trans affirming care. E=Even children very young at 3-4 years old to explore gender diversity safely to figure out who they are. (Some know at young age) Serve Family & individual therapy –predominant focus of trans. Go into schools and provide education. 31st LD has sponsored the Pride Fair for the past few years. Have funding for Queer Youth led Rocky Horror Picture show event. And then looking for a wall for mural/art in the community. If people have any questions about accessing care. Young NP. (2 years) Also Looking for board members. Or volunteering in any capacity. Q & A:  Contact info:  Q: what Resources are there for countering misinformation—follow on social media—we post a lot of information: and facts about trans affirming care etc.  Ask if they are using Science based sources for their info.  Judi C: pediatrics retired NP: wonder about trans people being denied care at faith-based facilities: St Joe’s patient parent worried about his child not being treated with meds if hospitalized. Gender Clinics are available in WA state. Our clients have not had to struggle to receive appropriate care. Collaborating with Children’s and Mary Bridge. Kaiser also reached out to collaborate. No issues yet with Franciscan. Not on the provider level–

Ed Hatzenbeler – Orting School Bond Measure Superintendent. Kevin Collins, Principal at Orting middle school. Lived in Orting since 2017. Overcrowding is a huge issue, and we need to get this bond passed. OSD: need 60% approval to pass the bond. 55% supported in 2023. But we need 60% support. No wants taxes raised. Reduced the original ask form 2023– $1.51 per $1000 value of property. Lowest tax rate in Pierce County. Still be 4th lowest even if bond passes. Tehaleh & Sunrise housing dev’s 2395 more students anticipated in next few years. Already at 80% over capacity. By 2025 it will be more than 200% over capacity. Portables does not provide additional bathrooms, cafeteria, playground etc. New elementary school for 600 students. Land is ready across from the Middle School. HVAC systems need upgrading—temps rise over 90* several months of the year. No keyless controls. Doors have to remain unlocked currently. This would provide auto lockdown system. HS new CTE lab to create career skills. New culinary lab, etc. Need help on GOTV. Low turnout previously. See the need and the fiscal responsibility. Q: Paul L Former Principal now living in Tehaleh—most folks do not understand square miles of OSD. They see Tehaleh but pay taxes for Orting SD. Come visit us in Tehaleh—to educate neighbors. Paul will help find a venue for speaking to residents. Conversations with Sumner /BL to redefine the existing boundaries to make sense of new developments. What are the significant reductions from last year’s ask? 44 OSD district. Questionnaire sent to residents within the OSD revealed Sports facilities were not high priority—those needs were pulled from the ask.


Nick Brown – WA Attorney General: (Manka Dhingra whom we previously endorsed–did not advance through Primary) Top Dem in every County. Grew up in Pierce County, Steilacoom School District. Parents are Vets, public service atty in public sector. Attended Moorehouse, Harvard, Army Jag Atty. Then criminal Def atty. Prosecutor at Ft Lewis. DOJ on Fraud & violent crime—working with tribal nations as well. Gov Inslee hired Nick as his atty. Focus on state local issues: first state case against Trump Muslim Ban in 2017. Alliance for Gun Responsibility. Appointed by Biden as US atty in WA. Advocate for the people of the state of WA=to protect them and help lead the largest law firm in the state. Opponent supports book bans, anti-choice on women’s repro care. Q: Pressing needs in any areas—cyber security? In WA state. NB: broad agency with 800 attys—civil rights and env protection, consumer Protection Act. Area for growth –Housing: affordability and unhoused crisis—with more coming into state. Go after price fixing schemes. Anti-discrimination and protect renters and tenants.

Patti Jackson – Pierce County Sheriff: Lives about 6 miles from the Grange. 35 YEARS IN Pierce County Sheriffs, chief of patrol operations in the east county. Ex leadership on P County jail—staffing crisis post pandemic to maintain safe and secure facilitator—treated with dignity and respect. Seen many challenging moments in law enforcement. Loss of public trust in police work. Need to protect the community from violence and crime. Also finding the root cause and develop strategies to address addiction and mental health crises, can’t police our way out of everything> tough on crime—violence, working in partnership with experts. Honest and transparent agency 3 pillars to create strong agency. Diverse representation within the agency and listening to constituents. Proven track record. Have the years of service. Rebuilding trust in the community. Proud and honored to earn the endorsement of the 31st Dems and for your vote.: Q: What distinguishes you from your opponents. Positive approach what I can do. Won’t bash my opponents. Started programs in facilities to fight substance abuse to help them while incarcerated. What to do about huge area and lack of sheriffs to cover… Budget not set by us, but hiring additional officers now.

Davida Haygood – Pierce County Council— District 2, from AZ, self-supported through college, navigated through state assistance, found health community. Pursue Masters in Ed, prof of Education in Pierce County. Paying it forward to this community who has helped me to find my voice. Safe homes. Secure homes. Government works to improve lives. Expand housing and economic opportunities. Build a community where everyone has what they need to thrive. Local businesses and labor unions. Adequate and safe housing. Serious about public safety—not rhetoric and partisan political—police force, and stable housing youth engagement, reliable jobs and living wage and social safety nets that work. Need to work with our police force and expand mobile response services to help improve safe community. Safe and stable housing to diversify options. Investing in youth –to have more / affordable educational opportunities. All youth need to have the same chance of success as their parents via neighborhood Youth councils.

Judge Paul Crisalli, seeking endorsement retaining seat Number 41 Superior Court, King County already endorsed. Again spoke to members for 3 minutes. Wants to protect and defend the rule of law in today’s climate more important than ever. Solve day to day issues—help treat people with the respect and dignity they deserve. With clear and easily understandable instructions. Serving in Kent—seeing murder, assault, neighbor disputes, state law issues. Endorsed by all 9 justices and the state supreme Court and all colleagues on King County superior court.

Ingrid McLeod Not present –no questionnaire


Eligible Candidate Endorsement requests: Kamala Harris, Paul Crisalli, Patti Jackson, Nick Brown, DaVita Haygood, Emily Randall, CD6 OSD Bond Measure. Helen M moved to Endorse all of the eligible candidates except Ingris McLeod (no questionnaire).  Amber OW seconded to endorse the slate. All these candidates are in the Pierce County Progressive Voters Guide. Slate has been endorsed via Unanimous Acclamation

Reimbursement to Andrea Ornelas and Brian Gunn for DNC convention (postponed til next meeting)

  • Rescind Rep. Adam Smith (CD 9) endorsement Helen motioned to rescind the endorsement of Adam Smith, Victor M Seconded. Tamara S: FYI: the motion must be moved by someone who voted in favor of this candidate originally. Both voted in favor of that slate (at the June Meeting). Small sliver of our Leg district is in his district. He did not submit a questionnaire. We endorsed him without. In this race there are two Dems who made it through primary. Adam Smith has been censured by several LD’s –he has spoken out against Cease fire advocates and has disparaged supporters of Peaceful resolution of Gaza conflict as fascists. Linda R: Against motion: Adam Smith has done many good things for the state and his district. Deb: favor of motion: issues he has spoken against Cease-fire—support individuals who support Cease-fire. Tamara S: A Smith does show up to ask for his vote. Doesn’t loop us in. We should ask for more –and expect more from our elected officials. Our Dem reps should serve their constituents—all Dem King County LDs support cease-fire. 3 YES Votes online to rescind. 5 votes YES in person. 6 votes NO to rescind. Endorsement of Adam Smith has been rescinded by a vote of 8 to 6. Tamara Motioned to endorse the Sumner Bonney Lake SD bond. Brian moved it out of order. No speaker/questionnaire.
  • Candidate donations


  • Chair’s Report Sarah Edwards –Brian Gunn Vice Chair
  • Thanks to the people who helped Upthegrove!
  • Treasurer’s Report: Mark Dunning – Brian G: Brief discussion. Report accepted.


Keep Pierce Blue Dinner visit the website: $75 Oct 5th, EQ Casino

10/1 Marilyn Strickland Farm Bill presentation. hosted by Feeding Feasible Feasts. Farm 12 In Sumner. We can send 2 guests. 9am to 1pm

Book Club: Tamara S: Oct 16 at Buckley Library. “Under the Skin” post in the FB group 5-7pm

Dems State Committee: Yakima meeting—doorbelling than meeting on Sunday. Agenda will be emailed. Caucuses and committee reports on request. Supreme Court reform. Judi C attending to advocate for her Health initiative. Tamara & Mark B attending. If you looked at our survey—please give us some feedback. Mark B: Focus is adjustment to Central Comm Charter.

GOTV & PCO’s: Amber OW:  take signs and plant them!! Canvassing dates on the 31st Dems website for sign up: Oct 3 4-7pm Auburn at Walgreens –other dates on the website.   Also: Sign waving in Nov first weekend    PCO’s =–I can printout a postcard list on VB.

FAIRS Report: Helen M:  $255.26 new volunteer sign ups many newsletters  cost priceless

KCDCC Report: Brian G: Topics available for follow-up: election observer sign ups 2-hour shifts. Wendy Wright is coord for Pierce County Elections: Must go through training if you want to volunteer to be an observer. Post dates on FB. And Drop Box observers:

Doorbell Your precincts—or call or postcards to voters! The Coord Campaign can help as well.

Reminder—31st LD Reorganization is coming up again in 2025… every 2 years. We have to elect a new ex board. King County on Dec 15. 31st Democrats usually reorg in January. Counties go first. Current elected PCO’s are the only voters for the board. No date yet—New Chair. V Chair and KCDCC & PCDCC reps etc. Members in good standing can vote on non-statutory positions. Not Board & rep positions

Bonney Lake Sumner School Bond Tamara S: hired as Field organizer for the Bond–needs 60% to pass the bond. Same amount as previous. Door-to-door canvassers can hand out lit in the BL / S area.

ADJOURNMENT (8:57 pm or earlier) Victor M motioned to adjourn, Brian G seconded.

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