Executive Board Officers and Standing Committee Chairs
Description of Office, Duties, and Responsibilities
Serving a two year term, leads and coordinates all 31st District Democrats meeting and functions. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Presides over 31LDD Executive Board, general membership and special meetings
- Prepares the Agenda and Call for all meetings at least 7 days in advance of the meeting date
- Acts as the 31LDD official spokesperson, and may from time to time issue press releases to local media
- Works with the State Democratic Organizations, PCDCC, KCDCC, and 31LDD Executive Boards and general membership to identify potential candidates for 31st LD positions
- Serves at State Central Committee Meetings as a voting member of the Organization of County and District Chairs. (Since no proxies are allowed, either the Chair or the First Vice Chair must be in attendance to vote)
- If a resident of Pierce County, may serve as a voting member of the PCDCC Executive Board. If not a resident of Pierce County, the First Vice Chair (Pierce County Vice Chair) may serve instead.
- If a resident of King County, may serve as a voting member of the KCDCC Executive Board. If not a resident of King County, the Second Vice Chair (King County Vice Chair) may serve instead.
- Calls, when necessary, for special meetings
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Since WSDCC meetings may occur anywhere in the state of Washington, unless provided for otherwise in advance, the Chair should be prepared to pay for their cost of travel and accommodations
First Vice Chair (Pierce County)
Serving a two year term, substitutes for and/or assists the Chair in leading and coordinating all 31st District Democrats meetings and functions. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Works with the State Democratic Organizations, PCDCC, and 31LDD Executive Board and general membership to identify potential candidates for 31st LD positions
- If the Chair is not a resident of Pierce County, may serve as a voting member of the PCDCC Executive Board
- Assists the Chair in establishing the agenda for the executive board, general membership, or special meetings
- When designated by the Chair, presides over executive board, general membership, or special meetings
- When designated by the Chair, serves at State Central Committee Meetings, as a voting member of the Organization of County and District Chairs
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Resident of Pierce County
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Since WSDCC meetings may occur anywhere in the state of Washington, unless provided for otherwise in advance, the Vice Chair should be prepared to pay for their cost of travel and accommodations
Second Vice Chair (King County)
Serving a two year term, substitutes for and/or assists the Chair in leading and coordinating all 31st District Democrats meetings and functions. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Works with the State Democratic Organizations, KCDCC, and 31LDD Executive Board and general membership to identify potential candidates for 31st LD positions
- If the Chair is not a resident of King County, may serve as a voting member of the KCDCC Executive Board
- Assists the Chair in establishing the agenda for the executive board, general membership, or special meetings
- When designated by the Chair, presides over executive board, general membership, or special meetings
- When designated by the Chair, serves at WSDCC meetings as a voting member of the Organization of County and District Chairs
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Resident of King County
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Since WSDCC meetings may occur anywhere in the state of Washington, unless provided for otherwise in advance, the Vice Chair should be prepared to pay for their cost of travel and accommodations
Two (2) 31st Legislative District State Central Committee Members
Serving a two year term as a voting delegate, represents the 31st Legislative District at the WSDCC quarterly meetings and the bi-yearly State Convention. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Works with the State Democratic Organizations, PCDCC, KCDCC, and 31LDD Executive Board and general membership to identify potential candidates for 31st LD positions
- Participates in all meetings of the WSDCC
- Ensures a proxy is sent when they are unable to attend WSDCC meetings, following rules for proxies set forth in the bylaws of the WSDCC
- Presents 31LDD issues and/or Resolutions to the WSDCC, and with prior 31LDD approval, proposes action
- Serves on committee of the WSDCC upon appointment by the State Chair
- Reports on actions taken by the WSDCC to the 31LDD general membership and Executive Board
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Since WSDCC meetings may occur anywhere in the state of Washington, unless provided for otherwise in advance, 31LDD State Central Committee Members should be prepared to pay for their cost of travel and accommodations
Three (3) Pierce County Representatives
(at least 2 representatives must be PCOs and, when practical, the positions should be represented by at least 2 different genders)
Serving a two year term, serves as a voting member of the PCDCC Executive Board. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Works with the State Democratic Organizations, PCDCC, KCDCC, and 31LDD Executive Board and general membership to identify potential candidates for 31st LD positions
- Represents the 31st District Democrats at PCDCC Executive Board meetings
- Presents 31LDD issues and/or Resolutions to the PCDCC, and with prior 31LDD approval, proposes action
- Reports on actions taken by the PCDCC to the 31LDD general membership and Executive Board
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Resident of Pierce County
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Since PCDCC meetings are held in Tacoma, unless provided for otherwise in advance, representatives should be prepared to pay for their cost of travel
One (1) King County Representative and One (1) Alternate
Serving a two year term, serves as a voting member of the KCDCC Executive Board. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Works with the State Democratic Organizations, PCDCC, KCDCC, and 31LDD Executive Board and general membership to identify potential candidates for 31st LD positions
- Represents the 31st District Democrats at KCDCC Executive Board meetings
- Presents 31LDD issues and/or Resolutions to the KCDCC, and with prior 31LDD approval, proposes action
- Reports on actions taken by the KCDCC to the 31LDD general membership and Executive Board
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Since KCDCC meetings are held in Seattle, unless provided for otherwise in advance, representatives should be prepared to pay for their cost of travel
Serving a two year term, maintains all financial records and Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) reports of the 31st District Democrats. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Maintains the 31st District Democrats Credit Union accounts
- Meets all requirements of PDC reporting
- Chairs the Finance and Budget Committee
- Facilitates cooperation among the Finance and Budget Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- Prepares and submits monthly Treasurer reports for approval
- Works with Chair to propose an annual budget in first quarter of each calendar year
- Tracks and reports actual income and expenditures vs budget
- Reconciles ActBlue reports for monies received electronically
- Works with Membership Chair to maintain membership list and ensure receipt of dues is recorded
- Assists in processing the District’s mail to ensure dues and donations received by US Postal mail are deposited and reported in a timely manner
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- While past Treasurers may provide PDC training, PDC training is also available in Olympia at no cost. If availing themselves of this training, unless provided for in advance, the Treasurer will have to pay for cost of travel
Serving a two year term, maintains the official records for the 31st District Democrats. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Assists the Chair in the preparation of agendas for the executive and general membership meetings.
- Produces minutes of the executive, general membership, and special Meetings
- Circulates and submits executive board, general membership and special Meeting minutes for approval at the next appropriate meeting
- Works with the Website/Technology Chair to ensure meeting information (agendas, minutes and correspondence) are posted on the website as appropriate and archived by either electronic or printed means
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
Membership Committee Chair
Serving a two year term, proposes and oversees activities to increase and/or maintain membership and works with Treasurer to maintain membership list and ensure receipt of dues (amount and date received) is recorded. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels
- Facilitates cooperation among the Membership Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- Maintains current records of membership, as defined in the Bylaws (Article II, section 1)
- Maintains and, when appropriate, shares membership lists with authorized persons and groups as provided for in the bylaws
- Provides membership forms and/or brochures for the general membership meetings, fairs and any other events sponsored by the organization
- Assists with credentialing of PCOs and members when required
- Assists in processing the District’s mail to ensure dues and donations received by US Postal mail are duly noted in the membership list
- Coordinates notification of events to members without email addresses
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
Communications Committee Chair
Serving a two year term, prepares and distributes a monthly newsletter and meeting notice, maintains the 31LDD blog, and with the Chair, drafts official communications from the 31st District Democrats. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Facilitates cooperation among the Communications Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- Ensures all 31st meeting notices are distributed
- Encourages members to submit articles of interest and/or letters to the editor
- Critiques submissions for appropriateness and seeks Executive Board input in the event of questions
- Produces a monthly publication/newsletter
- Manages and maintains the mailing list(s) and emailing service account
- Maintains the 31LDD blog
- Drafts official announcements, letters, and other communications on behalf of the 31st District Democrats, at the direction of the Chair and the Executive Board
- Along with the Website/Technology Committee, maintains all 31LDD social media, including the 31LDD Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and Twitter account
- Coordinates with the Website/Technology, Outreach/Public Relations, Fundraising/Events Committee Chairs, as well as the Secretary, to ensure accurate and timely publication of events, meetings, and minutes
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
Outreach/Public Relations Committee Chair
Serving a two year term, coordinates the setup and staffing of the 31LDD booth at fairs in the 31st LD. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Facilitates cooperation among the Outreach/Public Relations Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- Rents space at local fairs for 31st District booth
- Establishes a group of volunteers for each event
- Ensures appropriate vehicles are available for equipment transportation
- Maintains all necessary booth equipment
- Ensures that appropriate policy and candidate information are available
- Ensures that 31st membership and brochures are available
- Ensures that voter registration forms and information are available
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
PCO Coordinator Committee Chair
Serving a two year term, recruits, trains and coordinates the election and appointment of PCOs. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Facilitates cooperation among the PCO Coordination Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- Identifies and recruits potential PCOs
- Encourages PCOs to attend and vote at their respective counties’ reorganization meetings, during which PCOs elect PCDCC and KCDCC Executive Officers
- Trains PCOs in how to use Vote Builder
- Trains and motivates PCO to reach out to voters in their precincts
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
- Current members of the organization may be able to provide instruction on the basics of how to use Votebuilder, but should the PCO Coordinator need to obtain more in depth training, they should be prepared to pay the cost of any necessary travel
Fundraising/Events Committee Chair
Serving a two year term, schedules programs for all general membership meetings and works with communications and tech committees to announce events via appropriate means, including email and social media. Plans, and organizes fundraising events. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Facilitates cooperation among the Fundraising/Events Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- In coordination with other Executive Board members, plans, promotes, and organizes volunteer support for events to raise money for the organization
- Seeks out suggestions for programs, gets Executive Board approval, and schedules speakers for all general meetings
- Coordinates with Communications and Website/Technology Committees to publicize by any appropriate means all organizational meetings and events
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
Voter Registration Chair
Serving a two year term, coordinates voter registration drives within the 31st LD. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Ensures current voter registration forms and instructions are available at all official 31LDD events
- Ensures voter registration is a main focus of 31st District Democrats Outreach booths
- Coordinates any other voter registration actives within the LD
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills
Website/Technology Committee Chair
Maintain the 31LDD website, including all content and functionality. Ensures the 31LDD website is operational and publicly available. Strives to elect Democrat candidates at the national, state, county and legislative district levels.
- Facilitates cooperation among the Website/Technology Committee, including delegating tasks and sharing duties as listed below
- Ensures the 31LDD website is working, available and discoverable
- Ensures the content of the 31LDD website is current, including all upcoming meeting notices, information about Officers and PCOs, archived information such as meeting minutes and newsletters, pending and approved endorsements, and any other content that the 31LDD wishes to be made publicly available
- Ensures LD candidates can access the the 31LDD and its resources, e.g. for requesting an endorsement, via the 31LDD website
- Critiques submissions for appropriateness and seeks Executive Board input in the event of questions
- Coordinates with the Communications, Outreach/Public Relations, Fundraising/Events Committee Chairs, as well as the Secretary, to ensure accurate and timely publication of events, meetings, and minutes
- Coordinates with the Communications Committee Chair to maintain the 31LDD blog and social media presence (e.g. Facebook group, Facebook page, and Twitter)
- Member of the 31LDD Executive Board
- Must be resident of the 31st Legislative District, willing to declare publicly that they are are Democrat
- Elected by a majority of present and voting PCOs at the biennial Reorganization meeting
- Good people and teamwork skills