Pierce County Council District 2 – Davida Haygood

Municipal/Other Questionnaire

Candidate Info

Candidate Name:    Davida Haygood
Position Sought:     Pierce County Council District 2
Are you an incumbent for this position?     Non-incumbent
Home Legislative District:     25
Are you a Democrat?     Yes

Campaign Info

Campaign Manager or Point of Contact:     Nico Cefalu or Shane Macomber
Website:     www.vote4davida.com
Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/Vote4Davida/

Part I – Candidate Background

1. Please briefly describe your qualifications, education, employment, community and civic activity, union affiliation, prior political activity, and other relevant experience. Beyond your qualifications, what makes you the best candidate for this position or office? Please describe any specific background or unique perspective you offer and how those will help you accomplish your goals for the position sought. If possible, give practical examples.

I am a 25-year educator and leader deeply committed to creating inclusive and equitable education systems. I hold a Master’s degree in Early Education and Special Education and a BA in Business Management. My professional journey has included roles in teacher preparation, where I have focused on the needs and training of teachers. I currently co-chair the Faculty of Color Cross-Institutional Mentorship Program, which supports both faculty and student success.

My union affiliation (AFT and WEA) as a representative for faculty of color has allowed me to advocate strongly for workers' rights, including the right to organize, bargain, and strike. Over the years, my involvement with unions has shaped my understanding of the importance of collective bargaining and labor’s voice in legislation and policy.

In the community, I have worked on several initiatives, including promoting civil rights, affordable housing, and youth empowerment. I am actively engaged with local organizations advocating for racial, economic, and environmental justice. My experience includes serving on a Design Review Board, WACTE Social Justice Committee, and Puyallup School District Community Advisory, which has given me insights into the challenges of urban planning and community development.

I am running for Pierce County Council Position 2 because I believe my unique perspective—shaped by my journey from State assistance to becoming a ten-year professor of education—equips me to represent the community effectively. My campaign focuses on Affordable Housing and Community Development, Environmental Justice and Conservation, and Youth Empowerment and Engagement. For example, I am committed to protecting mobile home parks from developer encroachment and ensuring affordable housing initiatives reflect the community's needs.

My lived experience as a Black woman and educator who has faced systemic challenges sets me apart. I understand the struggles of vulnerable populations and am driven to champion their needs. My background enables me to connect authentically with diverse communities, and my commitment to equity ensures that I will fight for policies that uplift everyone in Pierce County.

2. What prompted you to run for this office?

My love for authentic community and want to work hard to create that for as many people as possible.

3. What steps are you taking to run a successful campaign?

With help and leadership of my campaign team this is steps we are doing:

* Community Engagement: To connect with residents, listening tours, town halls, and meet-and-greet events.
* Fundraising & Resource Management: Securing donations and managing budget for outreach and advertising.
* Targeted Voter Outreach: Focus on underrepresented communities using phone and text banking, canvassing, and digital platforms.
* Social Media & Digital Campaigns: Engaging with voters and raising awareness through online platforms.
* Regularly seeking Partnerships & Endorsements: Seeking local leaders, organizations, and unions endorsements.
Continual growth, learning, and refinement of Policy-Focused Messaging: Clear goals on affordable housing, environmental justice, and youth empowerment.
* Volunteers & Grassroots Support: Recruiting and training volunteers for canvassing and event coordination.
* Continuous Learning & Adaptation: We as a team continue to meet and discuss what is working and what is not working. Looking at our strengths and areas of growth.

4. What are your campaign’s most important themes, issues, or priorities (three to five)? Share issues or priorities specific to the office that you’re running for.

For my campaign for Pierce County Council Position 2, the most important themes and priorities that center authentic community are:

Affordable Housing and Community Development: Protecting mobile home parks from developer encroachment, ensuring affordable housing initiatives meet community needs, and supporting policies that address housing justice and stability.

Environmental Justice and Conservation: Protecting and rejuvenating Pierce County's natural resources, promoting sustainable practices, and collaborating with local tribes and stakeholders on conservation efforts.

Youth Empowerment and Engagement: Increasing access to youth activities, removing financial barriers, creating more civic engagement opportunities, and establishing a Junior Council member program with local school districts.

Equity and Inclusion: Advocating for policies that support racial and economic justice, addressing systemic challenges, and ensuring that all community members, particularly marginalized groups, have a voice in local governance.

Community Safety and Support: Supporting civilizing traffic enforcement, handling non-violent 911 calls with unarmed crisis responders, and promoting comprehensive community support systems.

Part II – Yes/No Questions, please qualify your answer if necessary

1. Do you support steps to build a fairer economy through tax reform and progressive taxes as wealth increases?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #1    

2. Do you support robust investment in publicly owned housing/subsidized housing for elderly and low-income individuals/families, and zoning changes to support such housing?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #2    

3. Developer impact fees are allowed under the Growth Management Act. Should they be increased to help pay for needed improvements to our roads, parks, and schools?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #3    

4. Do you support building a municipally owned and operated broadband system in your city or jurisdiction?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #4    

5. Do you support local investments to address climate change where applicable?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #5    

6. Do you support women’s unrestricted access to reproductive healthcare?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #6    

7. Do you support laws regulating the purchase, ownership, and carrying of firearms?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #7    

8. Do you support the right of workers to unionize and bargain, including public employees?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #8    


Part III – Free Response (Please answer at least four fully, and consider the additional three optional)

1. Why are you requesting Democratic endorsement? What aspects of the Democratic platform most resonate with you?

I am seeking the endorsement of the 31st Legislative District Democrats because their platform aligns closely with my values and objectives for serving our community. The 31st LD Dems’ commitment to racial and economic justice resonates deeply with my advocacy for equity and inclusion. Their focus on affordable housing and economic opportunities supports my priorities for ensuring that housing initiatives address local needs and foster economic development. Additionally, the district’s emphasis on environmental protection and climate action aligns with my goals of preserving natural resources and promoting sustainability. My dedication to expanding healthcare access and enhancing social services mirrors my commitment to providing comprehensive support for all residents, especially those from vulnerable backgrounds. Furthermore, the 31st LD Dems’ focus on investing in public education and youth empowerment matches my experience in education and my dedication to increasing access to educational opportunities and youth activities. These shared values and priorities reflect my commitment to advancing policies that benefit all residents in our district and address pressing community needs.

2. What public policy reforms do you support to achieve greater equity and inclusion for BIPOC and LBQIA+ individuals in our communities?

Unlike my opponent, to achieve greater equity and inclusion for BIPOC and LBQIA+ individuals, I support the following public policy reforms:

Racial Justice and Anti-Discrimination Measures: Implement comprehensive anti-discrimination policies across all sectors, including employment, housing, and education. Strengthen enforcement mechanisms and provide resources for reporting and addressing discrimination.

Economic Empowerment and Support: Support targeted economic development programs for BIPOC communities, including small business grants, job training programs, and access to capital. Advocate for fair wages and equitable hiring practices.

Affordable Housing and Homeownership: Increase funding for affordable housing initiatives, including down payment assistance and rent control measures. Ensure that housing policies are inclusive and address the needs of marginalized communities.

Healthcare Access and Equity: Expand access to affordable and culturally competent healthcare services, including mental health support. Address health disparities by investing in community health programs and preventive care.

Educational Equity: Invest in programs that support BIPOC and LBQIA+ students, including mentorship, scholarships, and culturally relevant curricula. Ensure that school environments are safe and inclusive for all students.

LGBTQIA+ Rights and Protections: Enforce and expand legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Support policies that provide access to healthcare, including gender-affirming care, and protect LGBTQIA+ individuals from violence and harassment.

Criminal Justice Reform: Advocate for reforms that address racial disparities in the criminal justice system, including changes to sentencing, bail practices, and police accountability. Promote alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenses and invest in community-based safety programs.

Community Empowerment and Representation: Ensure that BIPOC and LBQIA+ individuals are represented in decision-making processes and leadership roles. Support initiatives that amplify their voices and provide platforms for their concerns and ideas.

These reforms aim to address systemic inequalities and create a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

3. What steps do you think need to be taken to improve voter turnout and increase voter trust in our election process?

To improve voter turnout and increase trust in our election process, the following steps should be taken:

Expand Voter Access: We should continue to have measures like same-day voter registration and expanded early voting and mail-in voting. Additionally, we would like to see more automatic voter registration options to make it easier for people to vote.

Increasing Voter Education: It is crucial to provide comprehensive and accessible voter education on the voting process. This includes how to register, where and how to vote, and understanding the issues and candidates. Such education, especially for younger voters, empowers voters and fosters a better understanding of the election process.

Enhancing Election Security: It is imperative to invest in secure voting technologies and processes. This will ensure transparency in the election process and address any concerns about election integrity, thereby building public confidence and ensuring fair and secure elections.

Combat Voter Suppression: While Washington has some of the best voting practices, I believe that with the state of elections and fears, laws against voter suppression tactics should be enforced and strengthened to ensure that all eligible voters have equal access to the polls without unnecessary barriers.

Promote Civic Engagement: Through grassroots campaigns, partnerships with local schools and organizations, and public awareness efforts, encourage community involvement and dialogue about the importance of voting and civic responsibility.

Improve Voter Experience: Streamline the voting process to reduce wait times and ensure that polling places are accessible, well-staffed, and equipped to efficiently handle a high volume of voters. Make voting as easy and as secure as possible.

Address Misinformation: Implement strategies to combat misinformation about the voting process and elections, including partnerships with social media platforms and fact-checking organizations. Which I have been enjoying the increase in WA.

4. What important local issues have you worked on (or taken an interest in) that you feel aren’t getting enough attention from elected leaders and the local media?

Youth Empowerment and Access to Activities: Low-income and marginalized youth face barriers to accessing extracurricular activities, educational opportunities, and community and civic engagement programs that are frequently overlooked. Ensuring these opportunities are available and accessible is crucial for their development and future success. Too often, youth's actions are pinned on them as bad decisions or criminal behavior, but we don't discuss how we have failed to include them in our community, what I see as the village care approach.

5. Please list at least three specific, concrete actions you would support to ease the homelessness crisis.

Expand Affordable Housing Initiatives: Increase funding for developing and maintaining affordable housing projects, including supportive housing for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Implement policies to streamline permitting processes and incentivize the construction of affordable housing units.

Enhance Emergency Shelter and Stability Housing: Improve access to emergency shelters and stability housing programs that offer supportive services such as case management, job training, and mental health support. Ensure these facilities are safe, accessible, and equipped to meet the diverse needs of individuals experiencing homelessness.

Strengthen Support Services and Prevention Programs: Invest in comprehensive support services, including mental health and substance abuse treatment, job placement assistance, and financial literacy programs. Expand prevention programs that provide rental assistance, eviction prevention, and support for at-risk families to help prevent homelessness before it occurs.

6. What safety, law, or justice issues are currently facing your jurisdiction, and how will you address them?

In Pierce County, several prominent safety, law, and justice issues need attention:

Police Accountability and Reform: Concerns about police accountability and systemic biases are significant. Discussions on this topic can be used to create division rather than fostering healing. I will advocate for increased transparency through independent review boards and enhanced training for officers on de-escalation techniques and implicit bias. My approach will focus on building strong communication between police and the community, engaging stakeholders in the reform process, and prioritizing restorative justice to promote mutual understanding and cooperation. I will also support community-building actions to address issues proactively, reducing reliance on police as the sole solution.

Criminal Justice Disparities: Racial disparities in the criminal justice system, particularly affecting BIPOC communities, need to be addressed. I will support policies to reduce these disparities, advocate for alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenses, and promote restorative justice practices.

Community Safety and Support Services: Improving community safety involves addressing mental health crises, substance abuse, and property crimes. I will advocate for expanding the use of unarmed crisis responders for non-violent 911 calls, investing in community-based safety programs, and enhancing support services for mental health and addiction issues.

Domestic Violence and Victim Support: Addressing domestic violence is critical. I will work to ensure adequate resources for domestic violence shelters, legal assistance for victims, and programs to prevent and address intimate partner violence.

7. What are the transportation/transit challenges which face your jurisdiction and how would you address them? What role does green energy play in your proposed solutions?

In Pierce County District 2, the key transportation and transit challenges include:

Limited Transit Connectivity: Many areas in District 2 experience limited public transit options, making it difficult for residents to access jobs, education, and essential services. To address this, I would advocate for expanding bus routes, increasing service frequency, and improving connectivity between different modes of transportation.

Traffic Congestion: Growing population and increased vehicle use contribute to traffic congestion, impacting travel times and safety. I would support infrastructure improvements, such as road expansions and traffic management systems, to alleviate congestion. Additionally, promoting alternatives like carpooling and ride-sharing can help reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road.

Lack of Safe Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure: Many areas lack safe pedestrian walkways and bicycle lanes, which limits non-motorized transportation options. I would advocate for investing in pedestrian and bike-friendly infrastructure, including safe crossings, bike lanes, and improved sidewalks to encourage walking and cycling.

Green Energy Integration: Green energy plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable transportation system. I would support the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and incentives for EV adoption. Additionally, integrating green energy solutions into public transit operations, such as electric buses, can help reduce the carbon footprint of the transit system.

To address these challenges effectively, I would work to enhance public transit options, reduce traffic congestion, improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and promote green energy solutions within the transportation system. This approach will help create a more efficient, accessible, and environmentally friendly transportation network for District 2.

By typing my name below, I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct.

Printed Name:     Davida Haygood
Date (mm/dd/yy):     08/15/2024

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