Pierce County Sheriff – Patricia Jackson

Municipal/Other Questionnaire

Candidate Info

Candidate Name:    Patricia Jackson
Position Sought:     Pierce County Sheriff
Are you an incumbent for this position?     Non-incumbent
Home Legislative District:     NA
Are you a Democrat?     This is a Non-Partisan position

Campaign Info

Campaign Manager or Point of Contact:     Consultant – Michael Weinman
Website:     www.votepattijackson.com

Part I – Candidate Background

1. Please briefly describe your qualifications, education, employment, community and civic activity, union affiliation, prior political activity, and other relevant experience. Beyond your qualifications, what makes you the best candidate for this position or office? Please describe any specific background or unique perspective you offer and how those will help you accomplish your goals for the position sought. If possible, give practical examples.

With over 35 years of law enforcement experience, including key command positions such as Corrections Bureau Chief and Chief of Patrol, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of law enforcement. My extensive background enables me to lead effectively, make informed decisions, and implement best practices for public safety.
Throughout my career, I have been deeply involved in various community organizations, which have provided me with invaluable insights and experiences that have prepared me for public office. For example, I served on the City-County Opioid Task Force, where I collaborated with healthcare providers, law enforcement, and community leaders to develop strategies to combat the opioid crisis. Additionally, my involvement with the National Association on Mental Illness has deepened my understanding of mental health issues and the importance of integrating mental health support within law enforcement practices.
These experiences have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues facing our community. They have honed my skills in collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership. By working closely with diverse groups, I have developed a keen ability to listen, build consensus, and implement solutions that address the root causes of problems. My community involvement has reinforced my commitment to public service, fostering strong community relationships, and ensuring that all voices are heard and respected in our law enforcement strategies.
Beyond my qualifications, what makes me the best candidate for this position is my deep community ties, commitment to transparency, and resilience. I have always prioritized open communication with the public, making it a point to be accessible and responsive to community concerns. This approach has helped me build strong relationships across a wide range of communities in Pierce County, and I am committed to continuing this practice if elected.
Moreover, my work has been recognized by various community organizations, and I have received endorsements from leaders across the political spectrum. These endorsements reflect the broad support for my balanced, fair, and justice-focused approach to law enforcement.
I am confident that my combination of experience, community ties, and commitment to equity makes me well-suited to serve in this role.

2. What prompted you to run for this office?

I am running for Pierce County Sheriff to provide community-centered leadership and strengthen the bonds between our communities and law enforcement. With a special focus on open communication and transparency, I aim to improve trust and foster a safer, more inclusive community.
With over 35 years of law enforcement experience, I have developed the skills, knowledge, and leadership needed to tackle the serious challenges our community faces. Beyond addressing crime, I believe we must also focus on critical issues like addiction and mental health. These areas are essential to creating a comprehensive strategy for public safety.
I am excited to step up to this challenge and serve as our sheriff, bringing my experience and dedication to make a meaningful difference in Pierce County.

3. What steps are you taking to run a successful campaign?

Running a successful campaign requires a strategic and community-focused approach. Here are the key steps I am taking:
1. Engaging with the Community: We are connecting with the community through a combination of in-person events, digital outreach, and traditional media. This ensures we reach a broad audience and keep everyone informed and engaged.
2. Building a Broad Coalition: By highlighting my extensive law enforcement experience and dedication to community safety, we are building a broad coalition of support across Pierce County.
3. Grassroots Engagement: Our strategy emphasizes grassroots engagement, ensuring that every voter feels heard and valued.
4. Strategic Guidance: We have engaged a reputable political consulting firm to provide strategic guidance, manage media relations, and assist with message development to ensure our campaign resonates with voters.
5. Comprehensive Fundraising: We are implementing a comprehensive fundraising strategy that includes a major donor program, grassroots fundraising, and hosting various community events.
By focusing on these steps, I am committed to running a campaign that is inclusive, transparent, and truly representative of Pierce County.

4. What are your campaign’s most important themes, issues, or priorities (three to five)? Share issues or priorities specific to the office that you’re running for.

My campaign is centered on four key priorities that are critical to the future of Pierce County and the effective functioning of the Sheriff’s Department. These priorities are deeply rooted in my extensive experience in law enforcement and my commitment to serving the community with integrity and transparency.
1. Strengthening Community Trust and Transparency: Rebuilding and strengthening the trust between law enforcement and the community is at the heart of my campaign. Trust is the foundation of effective policing and is essential for ensuring public safety. To achieve this, I will implement a comprehensive transparency initiative that includes regular public updates on the department’s activities, priorities, and progress. Additionally, I will establish a Community Advisory Board composed of representatives from different neighborhoods, community organizations, and advocacy groups. This board will serve as a direct line of communication between the department and the community, allowing for ongoing dialogue and collaboration on key issues.
2. Public Safety and Crime Reduction: Ensuring the safety and security of all residents is a top priority for my campaign. This requires a multi-faceted approach that includes crime prevention, community engagement, and addressing the root causes of crime. I am committed to implementing a range of crime prevention strategies, including increasing patrol presence in high-crime areas, utilizing data-driven approaches to identify and address crime hotspots, and enhancing coordination with other law enforcement agencies. By focusing on both proactive and reactive measures, we can create a safer environment for all residents.
3. Mental Health and Addiction Support: The intersection of mental health, addiction, and homelessness is one of the most significant challenges facing our community. These issues require a comprehensive and compassionate approach that goes beyond traditional law enforcement practices. My campaign is committed to expanding support within the department for individuals facing these challenges and partnering with healthcare providers, mental health organizations, and social services to provide effective support. This includes increasing training for deputies on how to respond to mental health crises and improving access to resources for those struggling with addiction.
4. Enhancing Recruitment, Retention, and Training: The effectiveness of the department is directly tied to the quality and dedication of its personnel. Ensuring that we have a well-trained, diverse, and motivated workforce is essential to meeting the challenges of modern law enforcement. My campaign prioritizes the recruitment and retention of high-quality deputies and staff who reflect the diversity of our community and who are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. This includes targeted outreach to underrepresented communities, partnerships with local educational institutions, and ongoing training in areas such as de-escalation techniques, cultural competency, and community-oriented policing.
These priorities reflect my commitment to creating a safer, more inclusive Pierce County where everyone feels heard, respected, and protected.

Part II – Yes/No Questions, please qualify your answer if necessary

1. Do you support steps to build a fairer economy through tax reform and progressive taxes as wealth increases?     Choose Not To Answer
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #1     As Pierce County Sheriff, my primary responsibility is to enforce and uphold the laws, not to create or influence them. Questions about policy decisions fall under the jurisdiction of lawmakers and legislative bodies. My role is to ensure that all laws, as established by our elected officials, are implemented fairly, consistently, and with the utmost respect for the rights of all citizens.

This is a non-partisan, non-political position. While I am deeply committed to upholding the law, the authority to make or change these laws resides with our legislative representatives. Therefore, I respectfully defer these policy questions to the appropriate legislative bodies. My focus will remain on ensuring public safety and building trust within our community through transparent and accountable law enforcement.

2. Do you support robust investment in publicly owned housing/subsidized housing for elderly and low-income individuals/families, and zoning changes to support such housing?     Choose Not To Answer
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #2     As Pierce County Sheriff, my primary responsibility is to enforce and uphold the laws, not to create or influence them. Questions about policy decisions fall under the jurisdiction of lawmakers and legislative bodies. My role is to ensure that all laws, as established by our elected officials, are implemented fairly, consistently, and with the utmost respect for the rights of all citizens.

This is a non-partisan, non-political position. While I am deeply committed to upholding the law, the authority to make or change these laws resides with our legislative representatives. Therefore, I respectfully defer these policy questions to the appropriate legislative bodies. My focus will remain on ensuring public safety and building trust within our community through transparent and accountable law enforcement.

3. Developer impact fees are allowed under the Growth Management Act. Should they be increased to help pay for needed improvements to our roads, parks, and schools?     Choose Not To Answer
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #3     As Pierce County Sheriff, my primary responsibility is to enforce and uphold the laws, not to create or influence them. Questions about policy decisions fall under the jurisdiction of lawmakers and legislative bodies. My role is to ensure that all laws, as established by our elected officials, are implemented fairly, consistently, and with the utmost respect for the rights of all citizens.

This is a non-partisan, non-political position. While I am deeply committed to upholding the law, the authority to make or change these laws resides with our legislative representatives. Therefore, I respectfully defer these policy questions to the appropriate legislative bodies. My focus will remain on ensuring public safety and building trust within our community through transparent and accountable law enforcement.

4. Do you support building a municipally owned and operated broadband system in your city or jurisdiction?     Choose Not To Answer
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #4     As Pierce County Sheriff, my primary responsibility is to enforce and uphold the laws, not to create or influence them. Questions about policy decisions fall under the jurisdiction of lawmakers and legislative bodies. My role is to ensure that all laws, as established by our elected officials, are implemented fairly, consistently, and with the utmost respect for the rights of all citizens.

This is a non-partisan, non-political position. While I am deeply committed to upholding the law, the authority to make or change these laws resides with our legislative representatives. Therefore, I respectfully defer these policy questions to the appropriate legislative bodies. My focus will remain on ensuring public safety and building trust within our community through transparent and accountable law enforcement.

5. Do you support local investments to address climate change where applicable?     Choose Not To Answer
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #5     As Pierce County Sheriff, my primary responsibility is to enforce and uphold the laws, not to create or influence them. Questions about policy decisions fall under the jurisdiction of lawmakers and legislative bodies. My role is to ensure that all laws, as established by our elected officials, are implemented fairly, consistently, and with the utmost respect for the rights of all citizens.

This is a non-partisan, non-political position. While I am deeply committed to upholding the law, the authority to make or change these laws resides with our legislative representatives. Therefore, I respectfully defer these policy questions to the appropriate legislative bodies. My focus will remain on ensuring public safety and building trust within our community through transparent and accountable law enforcement.

6. Do you support women’s unrestricted access to reproductive healthcare?     Choose Not To Answer
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #6     As Pierce County Sheriff, my primary responsibility is to enforce and uphold the laws, not to create or influence them. Questions about policy decisions fall under the jurisdiction of lawmakers and legislative bodies. My role is to ensure that all laws, as established by our elected officials, are implemented fairly, consistently, and with the utmost respect for the rights of all citizens.

This is a non-partisan, non-political position. While I am deeply committed to upholding the law, the authority to make or change these laws resides with our legislative representatives. Therefore, I respectfully defer these policy questions to the appropriate legislative bodies. My focus will remain on ensuring public safety and building trust within our community through transparent and accountable law enforcement.

7. Do you support laws regulating the purchase, ownership, and carrying of firearms?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #7     As the Pierce County Sheriff, my role would be to enforce and uphold the laws that are enacted by our legislative bodies, rather than to write or advocate for specific laws. This includes laws related to the purchase, ownership, and carrying of firearms.

I am committed to ensuring that all laws are applied fairly and consistently, in a manner that respects the rights of individuals while also safeguarding public safety. The authority to create or modify laws, including those governing firearms, resides with our elected lawmakers. My responsibility is to implement these laws with integrity, ensuring that all citizens are treated equally under the law.

Current regulations address various aspects of firearm ownership. There are laws in place that prevent convicted felons from purchasing or owning firearms. Additionally, there are age restrictions to ensure that only individuals of a certain age can legally buy firearms. Medical and mental health evaluations are also considered to prevent those who may be a danger to themselves or others from owning firearms.

8. Do you support the right of workers to unionize and bargain, including public employees?     Yes
Optional: Qualify Your Response to #8     As a former member of the AFSCME union (to include President of AFSCME 3752LT, I deeply understand the significance of collective bargaining rights for all workers, including public employees. My time with AFSCME has given me invaluable insight into the critical role that union representation plays in advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the overall well-being of its members.

As Pierce County Sheriff, my duty would be to enforce and uphold the laws, including those that govern labor relations and collective bargaining. These laws, established by our legislative bodies, protect the rights of workers to unionize and bargain. It is my responsibility to ensure these laws are implemented fairly and consistently within the sheriff’s department.

Although I am no longer a union member due to my transition into a management role, I remain steadfast in my commitment to fostering a positive working environment. I will ensure that the rights of all employees are respected and upheld in accordance with the law.

Part III – Free Response (Please answer at least four fully, and consider the additional three optional)

1. Why are you requesting Democratic endorsement? What aspects of the Democratic platform most resonate with you?

As a non-partisan candidate for Pierce County Sheriff, my focus is on serving the entire community, regardless of political affiliation. However, I am requesting the Democratic endorsement because my values align closely with the Democratic platform, particularly in areas such as equity, justice, and community safety.

Throughout my 35 years in law enforcement, I have consistently advocated for policies and practices that ensure fairness, accountability, and the protection of every individual’s rights, regardless of their background. My work on the City-County Opioid Task Force and my involvement with the National Association on Mental Illness exemplify my commitment to addressing systemic issues like addiction, mental health, and homelessness—issues that disproportionately affect marginalized communities.

Democratic values emphasize the importance of inclusivity, transparency, and collaboration, all of which are at the heart of my campaign. I believe in fostering strong community relationships and ensuring that the sheriff’s office is a place where all voices are heard and respected.

2. What public policy reforms do you support to achieve greater equity and inclusion for BIPOC and LBQIA+ individuals in our communities?

I am dedicated to ensuring that our sheriff’s department truly represents the diversity and values of our community. To foster greater equity and inclusion for BIPOC and LBQIA+ individuals, I advocate for the following public policy reforms:
• Enhanced Recruitment and Hiring Practices: Actively seeking out and supporting candidates from diverse backgrounds to ensure our department mirrors the community’s diversity.
• Bias Training and Education: Implementing comprehensive bias training and education programs for all law enforcement personnel to address and reduce implicit biases, ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all residents.
• Community Engagement and Outreach: Strengthening relationships with BIPOC and LBQIA+ communities through targeted outreach programs, regular dialogue, and advisory boards that include representatives from these communities.
By adopting these reforms, we can create a more inclusive and equitable law enforcement environment that meets the needs of all residents.

3. What steps do you think need to be taken to improve voter turnout and increase voter trust in our election process?

To improve voter turnout and increase voter trust in our election process, I believe we need to focus on the following steps:

– Education and Outreach: Increasing voter education efforts to ensure that all residents understand their voting rights and the importance of participating in elections. This includes targeted outreach to historically underrepresented communities.
– Transparency and Accountability: Ensuring that the election process is transparent and that any concerns or irregularities are addressed promptly and thoroughly. This includes clear communication from election officials and a commitment to transparency at every stage of the process.
– Accessibility: Making voting as accessible as possible by expanding early voting options, ensuring that polling places are conveniently located, and providing resources for voters who may face barriers to participation.

By focusing on these areas, we can build trust in the election process and encourage greater participation in our democracy.

4. What important local issues have you worked on (or taken an interest in) that you feel aren’t getting enough attention from elected leaders and the local media?

One of the most pressing local issues I’ve focused on is the intersection of mental health, addiction, and homelessness. These interconnected challenges significantly impact public safety and community well-being but often don’t get the attention they deserve from elected leaders and the local media.

Through my work with the City-County Opioid Task Force and the National Association on Mental Illness, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects on individuals and families. I’ve partnered with healthcare providers, social services, and community organizations to develop comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of these issues.

I firmly believe we can’t police our way out of these problems. Instead, we must collaborate with subject matter experts to find and address the root causes, providing the necessary resources and support for those affected. By highlighting these issues, we can work together to create a safer, healthier, and more supportive community for all residents.

Additionally, I am deeply committed to the health and wellness of our law enforcement officers and staff. The demanding nature of their work often leads to high levels of stress and burnout. To address this, I have advocated for comprehensive wellness programs that include mental health support, stress management resources, and regular health screenings. By prioritizing the well-being of our employees, we can ensure they are better equipped to serve and protect our community effectively.

5. Please list at least three specific, concrete actions you would support to ease the homelessness crisis.


6. What safety, law, or justice issues are currently facing your jurisdiction, and how will you address them?


7. What are the transportation/transit challenges which face your jurisdiction and how would you address them? What role does green energy play in your proposed solutions?


By typing my name below, I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct.

Printed Name:     Patricia (Patti) Jackson
Date (mm/dd/yy):     09/03/2024

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