Healthcare is a Basic Human Right
On 26 July 2017, at our monthly meeting, I presented a brief condensed version of a presentation on single payer healthcare, and the 4 ways we are trying to make this happen for our state, and our nation.
On 26 July 2017, at our monthly meeting, I presented a brief condensed version of a presentation on single payer healthcare, and the 4 ways we are trying to make this happen for our state, and our nation.
31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting July 26th, 2017, 7pm Edgewood Fire Station Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. M/S/C to approve agenda, as amended. Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman) 6/28/17 General Meeting – M/S/C to approve as submitted 7/5/17 Executive Board…
Ryan Calkins has received the endorsement of the 31st Legislative District Democrats for the position of Port of Seattle Commission (Position 1).
Noah Davis has received the endorsement of the 31st Legislative District Democrats for the position of Port of Tacoma Commissioner (Position 2).