Yes on 1631

Initiative or Levy

Contact Information

  • Endorsement Requester: Rylan Anderson, Yes on 1631
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Will you be willing to speak to members of the 31st Legislative District Democrats about this initiative?


Initiative or Levy Information


Yes on 1631


Yes on 1631 will invest in clean air, clean energy, and healthy communities in our state by putting a fee on the largest corporate polluters.


As Washingtonians we all do our part to keep our state clean. But right now the largest polluters can pollute for free while the rest of us pay the costs. I-1631 would put a fee on the state’s largest polluters, like the oil industry and utilities that have not switched over to clean energy, and invest in protecting our air and water and new clean energy infrastructure across the state. We know with this initiative, we can protect our health, build new good paying jobs, and ensure a cleaner future for the next generation.