Washington State, the Democrats, and Labor: A Union Member’s Perspective
The following is a short interview with Monika Warner, who is the PASS WA3 Chapter President and leads the WA3 Legislative and Organizing Committees. She is also a member of the 31st LD Dems. 1. What union do you belong to? I have been a part of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists…
Meeting Agenda – Nov 29, 2017
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, NOV 29, 2017 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) Eboard, Nov 1; General meeting, Oct 25 TREASURER’S REPORT (Kathy Lorimer) GUEST SPEAKERS Election re-cap 2017 Legislative Session review – John Stafford Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy – Jason Merges…
Executive Board Minutes – November 1, 2017
31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board November 1st, 2017, 7 pm K.C. Democrats Office, Auburn Called to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn. A quorum of 10 members were present. Brian received a press inquiry regarding endorsements and consulted with the board on our response to unproven allegations during a…
Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2017
31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting October 25th, 2017, 7pm Edgewood Fire Station Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. M/S/C to approve agenda, as amended. Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman) 9/27/17 General Meeting – M/S/C to approve as submitted 10/4/17 Executive Board…