Meeting Minutes – Dec. 8, 2021
31st LD Democrats General Meeting Minutes 12.08.21 v1 CALL TO ORDER /FLAG SALUTE (7:01) Brian Gunn welcomed attendees, called meeting to order and led the pledge of Allegiance. Mark Boswell led us in the flag salute. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Brian Gunn asked for a motion to adopt agenda; Rudy Adams…
King Conservation District Board of Supervisors, Position 2 – Kirstin Haugen
Municipal/Other Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: Kirstin Haugen Position Sought: King Conservation District Board of Supervisors, Position 2 (Incumbent) Home Legislative District: 36 Democrat: Yes Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: n/a Phone: Address: 715 West Halladay Street Website: Email: Facebook: Twitter: Part I – Candidate Background 1. Please briefly describe your qualifications, education, employment,…
Meeting Minutes – Oct. 27, 2021
31st LD Democrats General Meeting Minutes 10.27.21 Draft v1 CALL TO ORDER /FLAG SALUTE (7:01) Brian welcomed attendees, called meeting to order and led the pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Brian Gunn asked for a motion to adopt agenda; John Westland–motioned to adopt, Amber O-W seconded. Hearing no objections,…
Meeting Agenda – Dec. 8th, 2021
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, DECEMBER 8, 2021 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7:00) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:02) READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:05 – Robin Macnofsky) Meeting Minutes – October 27, 2021 GUESTS: Devon Davenport, Campaign Manager, Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress (7:10) Derek Kilmer, U.S. Representative – 6th…