Resolution to Eliminate the Filibuster
The following resolution was adopted at our General Meeting on March 24, 2021 Resolution in Support of Eliminating the Senate Filibuster WHEREAS The the authors of the United States Constitution intended legislation to be passed by simple majority vote, and the Constitution mandates supermajority votes in only a few specific…
Cast your vote for Conservation District
King and Pierce County Conservation Districts are currently holding elections for open seats on their Boards. Eligible Pierce County residents must have requested a mail-in ballot by March 3. Pierce County voters are reminded ballots must be postmarked by March 24, 2021, and received by April 2, 2021, to be…
The American Rescue Plan
The American Rescue Plan includes: Improved COVID-19 vaccine education, distribution, and administration Expanded testing and contact tracing — including manufacturing and distribution of rapid tests and personal protective equipment (PPE) $1,400 stimulus checks to eligible individuals earning up to $75,000 per year (married couples earning up to $150,000 per year)…
Meeting Agenda – March 24, 2021
** To register for the meeting beforehand, or join once in progress, HERE! ** 31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, MARCH 24, 2021 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7:00) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:02) READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:05 – Robin Macnofsky) Meeting Minutes – February 24, 2021 CANDIDATES (7:10): Chris…