Reorganization Meeting Minutes – January 9, 2021
MINUTES: Reorganization Meeting of the 31st Legislative District Democrats: The 2021 Re-organization meeting of the 31st LD Democrats of Washington state was gaveled to order by temporary Chair: Kathy Orlando, 11:02 on January 9, 2021 via Zoom. Flag Salute Reorganization Temporary Officers Appointment: Temporary Secretary: Robin Macnofsky Parliamentarian, Mark Boswell…
King County Superior Court Judge, Position 47 – Judge Andrea Robertson
Judicial Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: Judge Andrea Robertson Position Sought: King County Superior Court Judge — Position 47 (Incumbent) Home Legislative District: 46 Democrat: Judges and judicial candidates are prohibited by the Code of Judicial Conduct from stating a party affiliation. Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: Mary Ann Ottinger Phone: +1425-466-0619 Address: PO Box…
2021 Reorganization
The results of the 2021 reorganization meeting are reflected on our Executive Board page. The 31st Legislative District Democrats reorganize every 2 years. During this meeting, a new Executive Board will be elected to office. Anyone who lives in the 31st LD and considers themselves a Democrat can run for…
A message from the Chair re: 2021 Reorganization
Dear Fellow Democrat, I’m writing to urge you to participate in the upcoming reorganization of the 31st Legislative District Democrats. Please join us on Saturday, January 9, 11:00am, via ZOOM (Register here). To help the meeting go smoothly and efficiently, we are asking folks to renew their membership by paying…