Oct 12 – Silent Auction and Climate Presentation
Join the 31st District Democrats for a special event and fundraiser on October 12 at noon!
Annual 31st Dems Summer Picnic – August 25!
CHECK IT OUT! Our annual summer picnic is going to be on Sunday, the 25th at Auburn Game Farm Wilderness Park! Family and friends are welcome to attend! The picnic will be from 11 AM – 2 PM at the Wilderness Shelter at Auburn Game Farm Wilderness Park, located at…
Auburn City Council, Position #1 – Chris Stearns
Municipal/Other Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: Chris Stearns Position Sought: Auburn City Council, Position #1 (Non-incumbent) Home Legislative District: 47th District Democrat: Yes Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: Chris Stearns Phone: (253) 886-1606 Address: 1163 32nd St NE Website: www.chrisforauburn.com Email: chris@chrisforauburn.com Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A Part I – Candidate Background 1. Please briefly describe your qualifications, education, employment,…
Guest Speaker Highlight for July: Cindy Jacobs of Whole Washington
At our July 24, 2019 meeting (link to the agenda), we welcome speaker Cindy Jacobs of Whole Washington. From their website: “Whole Washington is a grassroots coalition of healthcare professionals, activists and volunteers from all sectors, age groups, and perspectives across the State of Washington and beyond. Our common belief is…