Supreme Court Justice – Position 9 – Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud
Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud has received the endorsement of the 31st District Democrats for the position of Supreme Court Justice – Position 9.
Meeting Agenda – May 23, 2018
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, MAY 23, 2018 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7pm) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) Eboard, May 2 General meeting, April 25 TREASURER’S REPORT (Rudy Adams) OFFICERS’ & COMMITTEE REPORTS Chair Vice Chairs (King & Pierce) Member Outreach (Fairs) Candidate Recruitment Event…
Correction – Standing Rules for May 23, 2018 Endorsements
On the Wednesday, April 25, 2018 monthly meeting, members voted to adopt two sets of standing rules regarding endorsements. The first set is a general set of standing rules, and the second set applies specifically to the May 23, 2018 endorsement meeting. We have recently realized that a particular section…
Sue’s Spring List of Good Reads!
I have a variety of books to pass along this month. A captivating and true story of a refugee family, a political science book that explains the reasons for some of the issues in our currently dysfunctional government, a novel that delves into the damage slavery and racism has passed…