Meeting Minutes – May 23, 2018

 31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
May 23rd, 2018, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • M/S/C to add I-1600 to “New Business” agenda.
  • M/S/C to move Supreme Court speakers to top of speaker list.
  • M/S/C to approve agenda, as amended.

Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)

Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)

  • M/S/C to approve as outlined.

Officer & Committee Reports:

  • Chair: Brian gave an overview of our successful fundraiser at Edgewood Gardens, with over 80 attendees, and thanked everyone who gave so generously!  He was also just elected to the Democratic State Committee by the King Co. Dems.
  • Vice Chair (King): Kirby reported that the Pierce Co. Fundraiser was also a success!
  • Recruitment Committee: We have great candidates filed in all three district races
  • Member Committee:  We currently have 61 members.
  • King Co. State Committee:  New King Co. Chair elected is Natalie Reber.  The 31st needs a Rep on the King Co. Endorsement Committee.

Guest Speaker:


Tally Committee appointed: Mark Dunning, Greg Clinkingbeard & Alli Pincas. Credential Report: 30 voting members present.

ReviewedStanding Rules Regarding Endorsementsand amended2018 8th C.D. Primary Endorsement Voting Rulesregarding absentee balloting.

Supreme Court:
8th Congressional District: (Single Endorsement)
31st Legislative District:
King Co. District Court:
Pierce Co. Prosecutor:

Old Business:


New Business:

Good & Welfare:

  • Kirby recruited for election observers

M/S/C to adjourn at 9:10pm.

Submitted:  Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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