Meeting Minutes – April 25, 2018
31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting April 25th, 2018, 7pm Edgewood Fire Station Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. M/S/C to approve agenda. Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman) 2/28/18 General Meeting – M/S/C to approve as submitted 3/7/18 & 4/4/18 Executive Board…
King County District Court Judge – Rhonda Laumann
At the Apr 25, 2018 general meeting, members of the 31st District Democrats voted to endorse Rhonda Laumann for the position of King County District Court Judge.
US House of Representatives, WA-08 – Jason Rittereiser
Jason Rittereiser has requested the endorsement of the 31st District Democrats for the position of US House of Representatives, WA-08.
US Senate – Clint Tannehill
Clint Tannehill has requested the endorsement of the 31st District Democrats for the position of US Senate.