31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
February 1, 2017
Bonney Lake Library
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Chair Brian Gunn.
Roll showed a total of 12 members present. Adam Braun has chosen to opt out, so a quorum is recognized with 8 members.
A discussion about the best day and time for the E-Board was opened. It was M/S/P to move the start time to 7pm in the future, to allow for members schedules.
M/S/P to reimburse Chair $136.40 for food purchased for the January General meeting.
M/S/P to reimburse Ingrid Curtis $13.98 for food at December holiday party.
M/S/P to allow future food reimbursements under $50 to be allowed with receipts.
Chair: We are awaiting issuance of our Employer Identification Number (EIN) for tax purposes.
Treasurer’s Report: Rudy
Currently working on last year’s PDC report. Creating new bookkeeping system. Outlined and discussed PDC compliance timeframes and requirements.
January report was submitted and is attached.
Member Outreach: Sarah
Discussed use of ACT BLUE as a resource for electronic dues collection & building membership. Importance of electronic based outreach to reduce costs. Will bring proposal to membership and redress at March E-board.
Candidate Recruitment: Angel
Interviewing current Auburn City Council member on 2/7 to discuss potential. Vetting other potential contenders, internally and externally. Any interested party should be considered.
Would like to hold a Teambuilding exercise & Voter Database training for PCO’s on Sat. March 30 from 5-9pm. Location TBD.
Marcie Maxwell will be speaker at the general meeting.
Events: Donna
Foreseeable events include 4th of July Auburn Fair and possibly one in Buckley. Would like to request volunteer for Planning Committee at 2/22 General meeting.
Discussion about how to identify our LD to build our base during events.
Newsletter: Allison
Hopes to post next newsletter by 2/6. Looking at development of new format to communicate to members. Proposals will be forthcoming at next general meeting.
Requested info on helpful Links, pending events & go-to “actions” for readers.
Good of the Order:
- Inquiry about campaigns against Reichert? Feb.23rd Facebook Live virtual townhall will have corresponding rally.
- 8th Congressional Dist. Dem’s want to address LD 31 members at general mtg. Democratic Party Crabfeed set for March 5th in Olympia.
- M/S/P to get $50 gift card for Greg Klingingbeard for his holiday contributions.
M/S/P to adjourn at 8:40pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary