Executive Board Minutes – May 3, 2017

31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
May 3rd, 2017, 7 pm
Bonney Lake Library

Call to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn.

Roll was called and there was a quorum of 9 members present.  



Candidate Recruitment

Brian: Committee is seeking candidates for Edgewood City Council. Alli Pincus is considering.  Also, looking at Auburn Mayor & Council.  Vetting meeting will be on May 12th & May General Meeting will be our endorsement meeting for all open positions.  Expected positions to be considered are for King & Pierce Port, State Senator, State House, Edgewood Council, Auburn Mayor & Council, I-1552 “Do Not Sign” initiative.

Because of the full slate of candidates to be heard and considered at the May general meeting, the consensus was to forego any other program on the agenda.


While Angel was not present, it was reported that she is continuing to pursue the details to hold community movie nights over the summer.

Robin sought support for the Lake Tapps Indivisible resistance group and discussed ideas to co-opt with us to build unity & strength over common issues.  Consider joint participation in movie nights, Rallys, candidate forums over the summer.  She will bring the question to the body at the general meeting.

A meeting has been set for 5/21 from 1-3pm to develop a budget (Location TBD). Brian, Rudy, Robin, Stephanie and Donna have volunteered to work on it.  Rudy will develop an estimate of donation revenue and regular expenses to aid to the projections.

Sarah brought up the 50/50 tickets at the general meeting and explained that with the high attendance lately, perhaps fewer tickets could generate the same revenue. M/S/C to raise ticket prices to $1/ea.


Brian encouraged us to seek ways to expand and fully use our newsletter platform, including blogs, promotions & and planned events.  Contact Dan or Allison with ideas.

Rudy described his experience looking at the 31st L.D. opposition website and how it was embedded into the larger party framework.   We discussed possibly doing something similar or joining with some Resist groups to develop a master calendar to promote events and meetings.  Dan may have more information.  Brian said the state party is also working on centralizing information access.

Treasurer Report

Rudy: Draft report submitted.

Rudy discussed promoting ActBlue for recurring donations on our site to develop a dependable revenue stream to use in the next two election cycles.

Good of the Order

Brian attended the 8th C.D. meeting.  The 5th & 47th L.D.s want to help the 31st in the upcoming campaigns.  Interested in doing phonebanks & doorbelling.  State Dem’s have targeted the 5th, 31st & 45th as viable contests and want to staff a F/Y Organizer to work voter ID and phonebanks.  They will be putting resources on all fronts.

Robin discussed cohosting a Town Hall forum with the Indivisible group.  Envision and “Empty Chair” debate.  Consensus was supportive, but more information is needed.

M/S/C to adjourn at 8:35pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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