Meeting Minutes – Apr. 26, 2023

31st District Democrats Meeting MInutes

Marion Grange, Zoom hybrid meeting

4/26/23, 7-9pm

7pm Sarah E welcomes Zoom attendees and gives a quick run-down of technical status, pre-official meeting, in order to introduce technical details.

  • Michelle – Zoom maven, testing from home.
  • Brian – Live Zoom manager
  • Voting during hybrid meetings:
    • Raise hands/voice vote
    • Procedural votes will use Zoom polling
    • Tamara will take votes by phone, as membership chair
    • Kristi tested mic: good to go

7:09pm Sarah E gavelled to order, land acknowledgement

7:11pm Sarah E entertains motion to approve agenda

  • Kirby P moves to approve; James J seconds; acclimation: pass

7:13pm Candidates, re: endorsements

Sarah E introduces James Jeyaraj, Auburn City Council incumbent

  • James provides brief “state of the city,” adds that his two primary priorities as council member are homelessness and safety. Comments that he’s a fiscal hawk – wants to be mindful of budget use. Solutions are needed to address loss of police employees – moving out despite getting asked-for raises. Police comprise ~⅓ of city budget.
    • Kristi asks for clarification on James’ Roe statement: James clarifies that he introduced a resolution at city council to protect Roe in wake of Dobbs’ decision.
    • Amber asks a.) plans re: police pay disparity with nearby communities? A: over the coming 5yrs, plans include offering take-home cars to all officers, rather than just seniors as is current. Communication can be a struggle – need more direct and clear to make progress. b.) cuts to social services compounding safety issues? A: yes. One response from city was to initiate Social Services Center – includes food bank, Resource center, VA, SS, DL and other types of assistance in accessing services.
  • Fred is not present, his 2019 candidate questionnaire is available online (linked at 31st homepage)

7:27pm Kat Holmes, Field Director of WA Environmental Action (WEA)

  • Land acknowledgement
  • WEA was “WA Conservation Voter” and “WA Environmental Council”
    • Two organizations that were moving toward similar goals, finally merged and made official under new grant
  • Work and focus:
    • Regardless of political composition of district, important to maintain focus, eg: environmental justice
    • Now working with 26 discrete organizations
      • Presenting slate of four priorities to legislators (see below)
      • 2017 was an important year: 1st ever Senate majority of environmental supporters
  • 2023 Priorities
    • Invest in climate action
    • Invest in salmon habitat
    • Planning for a climate friendly future (updates to Growth Management Act)
    • Washington Recycling and Packaging (WRAP) Act
  • 2023 Tale of the Tape (end of leg session)
    • WIN: HB1181 passed; requires reduction of greenhouse gasses/emissions and miles traveled through land use planning (largest counties/cities)
    • WIN: Climate Commitment Act Budget; This legislative year’s funding allocates about $1 billion toward forest carbon sequestration and transportation pollution reduction.
    • Surprise: 2023 budget includes approx. 10-20% increased funding compared to previous biennial budgets for salmon recovery. (about half a billion)
    • Disappointment: WRAP Act did not pass, but proviso was included
  • How to help? Take Action!
    • Get on the email list
    • Follow in social media
    • Join digital advocacy group
    • Orca month!

Brian comment that he’s grateful for this work

Tamara asks: where do fines and polluters connect? Vehicle registration?

Kat: No. Climate Commitment Act targets big industrial polluters. Growth Management Act is for counties and cities.

Amber asks: What’s the half billion going toward?

Kat: read some of the breakdown data she has, will provide those numbers (from press release) to Sarah E for sharing

Mark B comments and asks: systems analysis of impact is lacking. He is concerned about information re: “impact of precipitous decline in emissions actually making climate worse.” Does WEA take this into account?

Kat: Last 5 yrs WEA looking more at this sort of big picture, and the consideration must be made. Ex: coalition building needed to be done ahead of failed salmon bill, evidenced by farmer impact making it controversial. Must be out ahead of that.

7:58pm Voting and Endorsements

Sarah E entertains motion to approve Feb meeting minutes

  • Kirby P so moves; Mark B seconds; approved by acclamation

Sarah E entertains motion to approve March minutes

  • Brian so moves; Rudy seconds
  • Discussion:
    • Brian makes motion to modify language re: Article V, change to: “Article VI, Section6.A.1 Voting and Endorsements”; Kirby seconds; approved by acclamation
    • Brian makes motion to amend “member” to “PCOs”; Tamara seconds; approved by acclamation
  • Passed by acclamation

Brian moves to endorse James Jeyaraj for reelection to Auburn City Council; Amber seconds

  • Discussion:
    • Brian speaks to motion, appreciates James’ energy re: representation of those least able to represent themselves, noting that voice was not previously present on the council.
    • Amber: appreciates James’ availability and accessibility to constituents
  • Passed by acclamation

8:09pm Sarah E

What Have We Done?

  • 6 members of the 31st attended the Auburn Clean Sweep
  • Formed committee to prep for hybrid meetings, including many hours from Brian, who also acknowledges Michelle, Tamara, Sarah
    • Volunteers needed for ZOOM help during future hybrid meetings
  • Sarah E and Tamara – met with potential candidates for Sumner Bonney Lake School District school board

Things We Want To Do:

  • Recruit candidates for city councils: Edgewood, Bonney Lake (4), Auburn
  • Positions still open for 31st Dems: King Co Vice Chair, Outreach Chair, Secretary
  • We’re committed to a booth at Plateau Pride, Tehaleh, June 10. Need point person and shift volunteers. (Brian notes that this is a lovely, supportive environment, and a great event.)

8:19pm Committee reports

Michelle Deporter Bratt – Website and communications

  • Networking with other local groups on Facebook
  • Please spread the word re: newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter presence.
  • Michelle has and will make more graphics for special dates, like holidays. Please let her know of dates that need attention, especially related to marginalized communities.
  • Rudy – do we have a calendar? Michelle – not yet, not as such.


Amber – PCO Coordinator

  • Has the t-shirts! Will distribute. Planning another run for June
  • First meeting of the Book Club, 4/30, 6-8pm at Amber’s home: Finding the Mother Tree. Contact Amber for address and further book club info
  • PCO training in early June, date TBA in May newsletter
  • Tree planting event in Greenwater, 4/29 and 30. See Amber for more details.


Kirby P – PCDCC rep

  • 4/13 meeting was productive. All still held on Zoom, easy to attend
  • PC Dems looking for donations to fund and volunteers to staff summer booths, including WA State Fair
    • Need 180 shifts covered to staff WA State Fair booth
    • Have paid $500 deposit (2nd LD?), need another $4600 to fund booth
    • Waiting to hear from state Dems re: funding support
  • Fundraiser planned for Rainiers game in July
  • 31st can/should? Invite PCDCC board to our booths/events
  • Several officers had resigned, newly elected positions: Joanne Mitchell – treasurer, Kim Lopez – secretary, Charles Holmes – PCO, Patty – outreach
  • May 25th is the endorsements date for 26th publication date
  • Keep Pierce Blue event still in the works, date TBD


Mark Dunning – Treasurer

  • 8 people recurring donors
  • Unexpected expenses have occurred: ZOOM fee, domain name.
  • Mark is having a knee replacement mid-May and will need someone else to attend to treasurer duties


Tamara and Mark B – WA Dems reps

  • Attending upcoming state meeting, and will vote on budget (include fair expense)
  • WA delegate selection plan: low attendance at a prior meeting produced this plan. Percentages for representation appear to be off.
  • Committee assignments came late in relationship to legislative session, which hampered advocacy opportunities.

Mark – King Co Dems

  • Presentation re: trans rights and nationwide issues – worth watching. Check website at “summary of meeting” for link or inquire.
  • Speaking to changes made in Pursuit Law
  • Reports made on process re:endorsements from King Co Dems before primaries

8:50pm Tamara motions to adjourn; Amber seconds; unanimous Aye

(Kirby comments that of approx 10 hybrid meetings this month, this was the best

Michelle reports good experience via Zoom)

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