Meeting Minutes – Feb. 23, 2022


CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE: Brian Gunn intro & Kirby Pollard to start the flag salute. Moment of chair’s privilege to introduce a new process — land acknowledgment that the 31st District encompasses the indigenous land of the Coast Salish, the Muckleshoot, and the Puyallup First Nation’s, they are a vibrant part of our community. This is also Black history month, to remind folks that contribution of fellow Black Americans extend to every aspect of our lives in science & technology and the arts etc… recommends Howard Zinn Peoples History of the United States—a history that does not gloss over the exploitation and discrimination faced by Black Americans

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to adopt by Christi Keith, seconded Rudy Adams, unanimous adoption.


Rudy Adams motioned to approve minutes, Christi K seconded, Minutes adopted unanimously.

Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2022


Stephan Thomas, candidate for King County Prosecutor for the open seat left by Dan Satterberg. Stephan will be on the Street Outreach Team on Houseless people in the 31st. Raised by die hard Dems. Been organizing since he was a kid. “There is Historic inequality in the justice system, people fall thru the cracks end up in a revolving door of recidivism.” People are looking for real solutions. He grew up on south side of Chicago, was in gangs. Drug rehab transformed his life, gave him access to resources and education. He attended law school—and worked in the prosecutor’s office as a trial attorney, “our judicial system is too often a revolving door, rarely provides survivors [of crimes] what they need to move forward in their lives. Housing and jobs are essential to dismantle the home-to-prison pipeline… [we need to] give them the tools they need to transform their lives. Demand a justice system that works for everyone.”  Rudy A: Recidivism—how many times should [public] be patient while people circulate through the prison Revolving door? Stephan T: Asking the right questions. Why are here. What do you need to be successful? Gaps & traps –we need to identify those needs. As a prosecutor—judge by not just guilty –but are we reducing recidivism, are we providing tools to help people stay out pf prison. And build a healthy and safe community. What do about drug users? Medical assistance treatment and resources to help so they can move on

Leesa Manion, candidate for King County Prosecutor

15 years as Chief of Staff for King County Prosecutor. 80Million budget, public safety, racial issues, and hold repeat offenders accountable, 300 non-violent youth out of the system to help them make diff choices. Endorsed by Urban league. Holding repeat offenders accountable with city atty. Endorsed by city leaders. SODO improvement area, and Ballard Imp area. Address crime and the root causes of crime, and worked with Evergreen Treatment services, commitment to Safe communities, endorsed by Sarah Perry, Dow Constantine, and Marilyn Strickland. She would be first woman and first POC to hold the office. Sai S: [guest from 30th LD]. asked about her competency: “I can spin a lot of plates running the budget process, to build strong relationships to fight for dollars for programs, resources for mental health… I’ve been in the trenches for 27 years. I can balance all the priorities and bring innovation.” 

Judge Kristin Ballinger, candidate for King County Superior Court (appointed by Gov. Inslee)

Kristin B—appointed by Inslee to King County Superior Court, Dependency Dept—to resolve disputes between state entrusted with care of children and their parents ensure that children have the best possible outcome. Very rewarding. Born & raised in Seattle. Worked for various judges and as law clerks. Then in private practice, refers public service Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, represented them in the Supreme Court on a sovereignty issue. Honored to have been appointed by the Gov.—able to bring my experience to make meaningful work. Must run to retain my seat. To date no challenger. Hope to earn your endorsement. I believe there are 5 barriers to access justice: cognitive, financial, physical;, bias, language, and disabilities both cognitive and physical impairments.


Rebecca Duran, Field Organizer, WA State Democrats

More field organizers are coming soon. Met with Brian Tamara & Sarah last week— scheduled a 2 hour phone bank once a month for the time being. Initial call will be voter identification, we need to know who the Dems are in the 31st and have them active & ready to go. Sign up links:

Please sign up if you can—once a month to get started.

Ed Martinez, WA State Democrats Re-Districting Committee, Co-Chair

Brian G says Ed has deep knowledge of the demographics of our LDs in WA. New boundaries will be effect for the primary and the general. Ed also sits on State Committee for Chalen County, Ed: There was so much great testimony on the redistricting hearings. One thing we achieved—Yakima and Coalville were split in 2010 between LDs. We needed the RCWs to bring these communities back together; and to keep CD8 on the east side of the mountain—the only blue CD on WA east side. More breathing room for Schrier. Got 2 out of 3: Minority majority in Yakima—Latinos in the Yakima area. 8th CD is now 49.9% Dem vs 48.3% GOP –from 50% vs 48% prior.

31st LD lost some territory. Obvious carve out to keep Phil Fortunato in 31st And 3 PCO’s were lost, Larry Brown is now in 47th LD, Cindy Elke in LD5, Greg Clinkingbeard in 25LD. Not too bad. –We lost Lakeland Hills in the 8thCD, but it’s still in the 31st. Bonney Lake and Sumner are both still in 31st


January 2022 Treasurer’s Report: reviewed balances as of 1/31. Up to date. Motion to adopt the Jan Treasurer’s Report. Ingrid C Motioned to approve. Whit W seconded, Treasurer’s report unanimously approved.

2022 Budget: Exempt and Non-Exempt accounts reviewed. Pro forma starting budget and projection for 2022. Object is to Spend down the funds in the exempt account. John W: motioned to open for discussion, 2nded by Christi K: Budget amended to include small dollar amount for coffee. Amendment unanimously voice approved. Motion to adopt the 2022 budget. Voice vote to adopt unanimously approved. Rudy A:–Thanks to Forrest for his assistance.


  • Chair: Brian Gunn— We have lost 3 PCO’s: Greg Clinkingbird. Cindy Elke & Larry Brown. However–we may get some incoming PCO’s from other LD’s, from 30th, 25th. Under new maps—we must give the new population of PCO’s opportunity to elect a new Chair. March—we will know who the new PCO’s are. Members do not have a vote on the chair seat. Only PCO’s. 

2022 Caucus: Info is in the email from Brian G—on March 26, at 10am. Must Appoint LD Caucus Committees: credentials, tally, affirmative action, Sec ’y & Parliamentarian. The WA Dems State Committee will provide google forms if people want to become a delegate to the state convention in June. Anyone can be a delegate. No voter registration requirement. Citizenship not required. Only need to be a resident in the 31st. Voting members at the Caucus are ONLY dues paying members in good standing. And PCO’s. $31 is dues for membership. Dues must be paid by 2/26/22 to be able to vote at the March 26th Caucus. All activities will be virtual via Zoom. The State party is helping with tech tools. Brian met with South King County Chairs—planning the first PCO meet up on May 7th—IN PERSON–—to remind existing PCO’s to get on the ballot for 2023, and recruit new PCO’s. 3rd week of May is filing deadline with the County. 

PCO Support & Recruitment—forming subcommittee for PCO’s—instead of one person organizing PCO’s on their own—Motion to form a PCO support Recruitment Committee: Tamara motioned, Christi seconded. Brian G, Amber O-W, Sarah E, Tamara T, Robin M, Whit W volunteered. Christi K: I appreciate the help. 


  • Candidate questionnaires: Brian sharing the screen on candidate questionnaires. Tamara S. presented questionnaires reviewed by the E-board. We are recommending these—past meeting notes indicated we have discussed questionnaires 7 times with no votes taken. Main conflict was over shorter length vs more detailed. We went for a compromise. 3 sections: general campaign information,  Yes/No policy section, and a short answer section. The 3rd section is shorter, with some questions being optional. Motioned by John W to approve all three questionaries for immediate use, and 2nded by Rudy A . After some discussions, Rudy A: motioned to amend 2nded by Christi. To amend the judicial questionnaires, striking “union” & “prior political activity” from section 1. Rudy Call the vote: if there are no further objections a voice to adopt the 3 questionnaires. Unanimously adopted! They will go live before midnight tonight!


  • Appointment of 2022 LD Caucus committees:

Caucus Chair / Chair of Delegation: Brian Gunn

Secretary: Whit Worcester

Parliamentarian: Christi Keith

Tally Comm / Credentials Comm: Sarah Edwards, Rudy Adams, Kirby Pollard, Tamara Stramel, Brian Gunn

  • Bylaws modernization—table this to April meeting: motion by Rudy Adams, 2nded by Ingrid C. item so moved & approved.


  • Rudy Adams: Discuss fairs & events at next month’s e-board next week
  • Julian Wheeler: Special election coming up in Pierce Cty, and observer Trainings at Pierce cty Auditors—or could be scheduled to come before or after reg meeting.
  • (Sarah took over the gavel)Brian speaking in favor of a candidate: Monica Warner put her name forward for a position! Get on the Pierce Cty Conservation District supervisor website–to request a ballot to vote for Monica Warner.
  • Future Agenda: endorse major candidates early to expedite aka Sen.Patty Murray

ADJOURNMENT (9:00pm) Motion to adjourn: Rudy Adams. Unanimous approved.

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