31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
July 24th, 2019, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station
Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Vice Chair Alli Pincas followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda: M/S/C to approve the agenda.
Code of Conduct: Empathy and amends for offense was reviewed by the Chair.
Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)
- 6/26/19 General Meeting M/S/C to approve as submitted
Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)
- No Report submitted
Candidates Endorsements:
- Vera Orlandic-Hodak, Auburn City Council, Pos. 7 (Previously tabled) M/S/F
- Preedi Shridhar, Port of Seattle, Pos. 2 M/S/Endorsed (during G&W)
Campaign Update: James Jayaraj, Auburn City Council, Pos. 3
- Cindy Jacobs, Board Member, Whole Washington; ”The Path to Universal Healthcare.”
Officer & Committee Reports:
Chair: Participated in Tacoma Pride, assisting and registering voters.
Central Committee: Two women vacancies open (King/Pierce). Mark reported that I-1000 was passed, but is facing a referendum challenge; Marina also expressed concern about the clarity of the language of the challenge. She also outlined efforts to increase outreach & canvasing opportunities.
Fairs: Donna: Need more prizes for wheel. Still slots open for volunteers at Auburnfest.
Events/Fundraising: Ingrid said there was some conflict in scheduling. Planning outreach to past members and attendees. Trying to plan for event in October with Barak Gale to present on Climate Change. 31st Dem Picnic set for 8/25 @ Auburn Wilderness, 10-2. Looking for volunteers w/ more info to follow.
Members: Please rejoin if you have lapsed.
Communications: Tamara says there have been some “bounces” on delivery. If you are not receiving it, please let her know.
Old Business:
- Logo: Mark has had to drop off. Alli and Sarah are looking at concepts and hope to have some recommendations next month.
New Business:
- Sarah proposed some budget amendment’s from the Finance Committee. M/S/P as proposed.
- Britt requested NTE $100 to replace folding chairs for Booth. M/S/P
Good & Welfare:
- So. Sound Dem’s are holding a Champaign Brunch at PLU, 9/22. $50/pp & tables available.
M/S/C to adjourn at 9:00pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary