Meeting Minutes – July 28, 2021

31st LD Democrats General Meeting Minutes 7.28.21

CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Sarah Edwards welcomed attendants and called the meeting to order at 7:05. With our secretary out of town, Vice Chair Tamara Stramel will take notes this evening.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Rudy Adams motioned to adopt, and James Jeyaraj seconded. Hearing no objections, the agenda is adopted.

READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: June minutes have not been submitted; approval will need to be pushed till September Meeting.

Candidates present given the opportunity to update the membership on their campaigns.

Kate Baldwin: Getting ready to start canvassing volunteers always welcome. Yard signs have been ordered and are coming soon. Campaign website coming soon too, which will list endorsements as they come in, check back soon.

Christi Keith: Primary prospects look promising, signs coming soon, including some large ones in busy spots.

Vice Chair Sarah Edwards reviewed the timeline of activism throughout the next few months, with a particular focus on doorbelling within Auburn, Bonney Lake, and Edgewood. Spoke to the importance of getting the word out about our organization before the 2022 cycle. Broke into small groups for 15 minuets to discuss how each member could make an individual contribution with their time this fall to get local democrats elected.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Rudy Adams gave a reporting of our accounts and reminded the body that there is money to be spent on multi-candidate election literature. Report was motioned for approval by James Jeyaraj, with Ingrid Curtis providing a second. Without objection—report is adopted.


Vice Chair (Pierce and King) – Sarah Edwards no report given, Tamara Stramel will be contacting endorsed candidates in the near future to invite them to the picnic and make sure they have Vicki’s email for all correspondence.

King County Rep Report: Mark Dunning gave a report of the most recent King County Dem meetings which included talk of code of conduct allegations and transit development talk.

Pierce County Rep Report: Christi Keith reported that the official decision from PCD is to skip the fair this year.

State Central Committee Report: Christi Keith reported that the state party had a productive weekend session. Approved smaller budget for the off year. Labor issues are becoming an even bigger part of the overall agenda. Contest every race feedback seems to be positive. Discussion was also had about returning to in person meetings, or whether continuing virtual or adding a hybrid option would be better. Equality and hard topic discussion training will be coming hopefully soon.

Website Committee: Tamara Stramel requested pictures from past BBQ to advertise our upcoming celebration.

PCO Coordinator: Push to clear up no data/unknown voter information in voterbuilder.

Membership, Outreach, Newsletter, and Fair Committees had nothing to report.



James Jeyaraj motions to suspend endorsement rules in the endorsement of Hanan Amer, who is running for Auburn City Council. Christi Keith seconds the motion. Discussion ensued, with speakers for and against. Hanan has completed a questionnaire, which was posted on our website, but has not spoken officially to the membership. Vote to suspend rules results in the motion passing.

Motion to endorse Hanan Amer by Christi Keith, Amber Walker seconded. Christi spoke to her motion. Membership voted to endorse Hanan Amer.

James Jeyaraj motioned to give each of our endorsed City Council Candidates $500, Tamara Stramel seconded. Discussion ensued. Membership voted to donate $500 to Erica Buckley, Christi Keith, and Kate Baldwin.

Tamara Stramel motioned to donate $250 to Michael McCullough, Christi Keith seconded. Membership voted to donate $250 to Michael.

Rudy Adams will dispense all funds.


Mark Dunning thanked Tamara and Sarah for filling in for Robin and Brian.

Kate Baldwin wanted the body to be aware of the Downtown Auburn Cooperative, which is currently accepting donations for the recent fire victims. Auburn Food Bank and Grocery outlet are also accepting donations.

ADJOURNMENT (8:42pm) Mark Dunning moved to adjourn, seconded by Rudy Adams

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