Meeting Minutes – June 22, 2022

Meeeting Minutes for 31ST Legislative District Democrats Meeting – June 22, 2022.


The meeting was called to order at 7:01 by Chairperson Brian Gunn.

The flag salute was led by Charlotte Thompson


A motion to approve the agenda proposed by the Chairperson was made by Rudy Adams and seconded by Whit Worcester. The agenda was adopted by unanimous consent.


Meeting minutes for the May 25, 2022 meeting were not available for review so approval of those minutes was postponed until the July meeting.


1. Sec Steve Hobbs, candidate for WA Secretary of State was schedule to appear but was not present at the meeting.

2. Ravin Pierre, candidate for US Senator was present and spoke for a little over 5 minutes on his campaign opposing Senator Patty Murray.

3. Linda Farmer, candidate for Pierce County Auditor was present and spoke for approximately 4 minutes on her qualification and campaign for PC Auditor.

4. Damon Townsend, candidate for Pierce County Auditor was present and spoke for approximately 5 minutes on his experience and campaign for PC Auditor.

GUESTS (7:25):

1. Holly Stanton, candidate for 31st LD Representative, Pos. 1 arrived in the meeting at approximately 8:30 pm and spoke briefly on progress she has made in establishing her campaign, staff and web site.

2. Dylan DiPaolo, Regional Field Director – WA State Democrats was not present at the meeting.

3. Jonah Wolff, Organizing Director (WA-08) – DCCC was present and spoke for approximately 5 minutes on the activities of the Dr Kim Shrier campaign.

4. Vincy Fok,, Political Outreach Associate – People for Patty Murray was present and spoke briefly on the legislative accomplishments of Senator Patty Murray and campaign activities.

TREASURER’S REPORT (7:35) Rudy Adams presented the May 2022 report and responded to questions regarding litigation expense and status. A motion to accept the report was made by Sarah Edwards, seconded by Mark Boswell and unanimously approved by voting members present.


1. Chair – Brian Gunn discussed the upcoming State Democratic Convention, his work on the Resolutions Committee and acceptance of the high school voting preparation resolution for Convention consideration.

2. Vice Chairs (Pierce & King) – Sarah Edwards stated the PTO support group had not met.

3. Committeepersons (King County, Pierce County, & WA State Dems) – no reports

4. Outreach (Fairs) – Robin was absent, so Brian Gunn presented the very positive experience at the Pride event and a July 4 event planned in Auburn. There is a Google sign-up for volunteers. Brian also explained that fair set up equipment is now available via a storage unit in Lake Tapps rather than Enumclaw thanks to an in-kind donation of a storage unit by Robin. Rudy Adams mentioned an Edgewood picnic planned for July 16, 2022.

5. Event Planning (Fundraising) – no report

6. Membership – no report

7. Newsletter/Communication – no report

8. Website/Technology – no report

9. PCO Support & Recruitment – no report


1. Bylaws modernization – Updated bylaws were discussed at the May 25 meeting and have been posted on the web site for more than 30 days. A summary of the changes was presented by the Chairperson. A motion to adopt the revised bylaws was made by Rudy Adams and seconded by Linda Rutenburg. The revised bylaws were adopted by a unanimous vote.

2. Code of Conduct (standing rules) – The Chairperson explained the need for a 31st District Code of Conduct rather than referencing codes from other organizations. The new standing rule was presented at the May 25, 2022 meeting and has been posted on the web site for more than 30 days. The Chairperson provided a brief summary. Rudy Adams moved to adopt the proposed Code of Conduct as written which was seconded by Amber Olson Walker. In discussion, Rudy Adams described some unpleasant experience that were encountered in King County prior to drafting a Code of Conduct and stated the benefit of having expectations and process defined prior to having to deal with inappropriate or disruptive behavior. The proposed Code of Conduct was adopted by unanimous consent.


1. Endorsements – Ravin Pierre and Damon Townsend’s endorsement requests were received after the deadline for Consideration this month. Linda Farmer’s request has not yet been received.

o Steve Hobbs request for endorsement via a surrogate at the May 25 meeting reviewed. Rudy Adams moved to waive the in-person requirement for endorsement. Mark Boswell seconded the motion. In discussions, several members raised concerns about waiving the in-person requirement as it is needed to evaluate the candidate. The motion was defeated by a vote of 1 yea and 7 nay.

2. Candidate Support – no motions were made

3. Resolutions – Two resolutions previously submitted to the Washington Democrats Convention of 2022 were presented for action by the Chair. Both resolutions have been posted on the 31st Legislative District Democrats web site for review.

o A motion was made by Amber Olson Walker to adopt a resolution to reinstate the Expanded Child Tax Credit. The motion was seconded by Kristi Martinez. Discussion followed. The motion passed with unanimous approval.

o A motion was made by Mark Boswell to adopt a resolution for Temporary Waiver of TRIPS Restrictions on Covid-19 Vaccines. The motion was seconded by Linda Rutenburg. Discussion followed. The motion was passed with unanimous approval.

GOOD AND WELFARE (8:55). Mark Boswell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm. Rudy Adams seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous approval.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Charlotte Thompson, Acting Secretary

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