Meeting Minutes – June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020
VIRTUAL 31st LD General Meeting Minutes (via ZOOM)
ZOOM Host: 31st LD Chair, Brian Gunn

Approval of Agenda: M/S/P

Adopted May 27 Meeting Minutes: M/S/P

Guest Speakers

Bob Hasegawa – State Bank for Washington

Bob Hasegawa spoke about his proposal of a state bank of Washington. His presentation included reference to how public banking could help with the current financial issues faced by the state, as well as how the public bank could be used to create jobs and help fund infrastructure projects.

He asked for the 31st District Democrats to consider a resolution in support of a Washington State bank. He also advised members to take a look at the State Bank for Washington Facebook page for more information.

Bob then took several questions for the audience.

Devon from Kim Schrier’s Campaign

Devon Davenport gave an update that Rep. Schrier has cosponsored HR 7120. They have also hired a new field director, Max Toubman.

There is an upcoming virtual phone bank for the Schrier campaign:

Hilary Madsen

Hilary thanked the 31st District Democrats for their endorsement and reviewed other endorsements she has received. She spoke about the lack of confidence in the legal system through systemic racism, and her hope for transformative change.

Katie Young – 31st Legislative District State Representative Pos. 1

Katie Young gave a campaign update including an overview of funds raised so far. She invites members to take a look at

Thomas Clark – 31st Legislative District State Representative Pos. 2

Thomas Clark gave an update on the eye-opening aspects of running a campaign. He gave an overview of all the institutions required to connect with in order to get started with campaigning, as well as different endorsement processes.

Jesse Wineberry, Amanuel Mamo, I-1776

Jesse talked about past initiatives such as I-1000 and then introduced Amanuel.

Amanuel introduced Initiative 1776 and pointed the body at the website:

He walked through the signature process: You can print, gather signatures, and scan and email, or send via post.

Candidates Requesting Endorsement

Three minutes was granted to each speaker.

Treasurer’s Report

The body reviewed the treasurer’s report. M/S/P to accept.

Chair and Officer Reports

Brian gave a chair’s report.

Allison gave a vice chair’s report, and discussed the state convention and that the state party platform was passed.

Sarah gave a vice chair’s report.

Brief updates were given from Donna (Fairs/Events), Ingrid (Fundraising), Tamara (Newsletter/Social Media).

Tamara mentioned that the Pierce County Democrats are organizing a Pierce County Sheriff Candidate Forum.

Old Business

Candidate questionnaire was brought up. Changes to the questionnaire were brought up at an earlier meeting but no further action was taken.

Body decided to leave this for old business at an upcoming meeting since most candidates have already filled out the existing questionnaire.

New Business

Election of Secretary

Robin MacNofsky was nominated by Donna and seconded by Sarah.

Rudy made a motion for a vote by acclimation. Dan seconded. Vote passed by acclimation.

Other New Business

Kirby Pollard brought up supporting I-1776. The body did not have a resolution prepared.

Brian suggested that he make the resolutions published and allow the body to vote on the published resolutions. We could also endorse the I-1776 campaign without a Resolution.

Kirby made a motion to endorse I-1776. Tamara seconded.

Allison made a motion to waive the requirement of the waiting period according to the by-laws because of the urgency of this initiative. Monika seconded. The motion passed.

Candidate Endorsements

Kirby yielded his time to Jesse Wineberry, but Jesse had already left the meeting. Mark Lindquist brought up that he could answer any questions. The motion passed with no objections, so I-1776 will be included on the 31st District Democrats email ballot.

John Westland moved to endorse (include on the email ballot) Phil Gardner for US WA 10. Allison seconded. John yielded his time to Katie, who spoke in favor. John then spoke in support. This passed, which means Phil will be on the ballot.

Monika moved to suspend the 3-week requirement for the US WA 10th Congress candidate. Allison seconded. Monika spoke for. Tamara spoke against. Allison spoke for. Monika spoke for, again. The motion passed 12-2.

Allison moved to endorse (include on the email ballot) Beth Doglio. Sarah seconded. Allison spoke for. The motion passed, Beth will appear on the ballot.

Monika moved to endorse (include on the email ballot) Kristine Reeves. Donna seconded. Monika spoke for. Sarah also spoke for. The motion passed, Kristine will appear on the ballot.

Allison moved to endorse Larry Sequist. Donna seconded. Allison spoke for. The motion passed, Larry will appear on the ballot.

Diane moved to endorse Denny Heck for Lt. Governor. Monika seconded. Diane spoke for. Monika spoke for. The motion passed, Denny Heck will be on the ballot.

Rudy moved to endorse Judge Douglas North. Monika seconded. Rudy spoke for. The motion passed, Douglas North will be on the ballot.

Dan moved to endorse Mary Bacon. Allison seconded. Dan spoke for. John Westland spoke against. The motion passed, Mary Bacon will be on the ballot.

Good and Welfare

Monika brought up the AFL-CIO having a one-hour lunch on Facebook live tomorrow relating to LGBT issues in the COVID situation. Thursday, June 25th at 11AM.

Monika also brought up an upcoming virtual training. Women in Leadership Development June 27 virtual training free/donation.

Julian brought up Election Observer Training (must be a Pierce County voter), Monday, July 13th, time slots are 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5 pm, at Pierce County Elections, 2501 South 35th Street, Tacoma. Republicans are recruiting to fill their ranks, so we do likewise. Please email me your interest at Thanks muchly. — Julian F. Wheeler, Pierce County Election Observer Coordinator.

Rudy brought up that there is one newly declared independent US WA 10th Candidate, which could be interesting.

Move to adjourn at 9:56 PM. Seconded and passed.

Dan Pincas, Backup Secretary

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