Meeting Minutes – Nov. 20, 2019

31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting

November 20th, 2019, 7pm

Edgewood Fire Station

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda: M/S/C to approve the agenda.

Code of Conduct: Use of sarcasm, expressing empathy & making amends. Committee formed to propose recourse guidelines, procedures for objectionable behavior. Members are Brian, Bonnie & Bob.

Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)

  • 10/23/19 General Meeting M/S/C to approve as submitted

Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)

  • M/S/C to accept as submitted. Kathy gave the report outline.


  • Kat Holmes: Field Director;”Wash. Environmental Council” & Wash. Conservation Voters;” I-976 Impacts and pending actions; Candidate recruitment.
  • James Jeyaraj: Auburn City Councilman-ELECT!; Election update and list of priorities.

Officer & Committee Reports:

Chair: Discussed importance of self care moving into 2020 cycle. Advised body of new counsel and legal case status.

Membership: Now taking members for 2020.

P.C. Dems: John reported on recently passed resolutions. Ability for L.D.s to register volunteer lobbyists for recognition.

Newspaper: Tamara reported getting good feedback. Encouraged members to click link to increase activity.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

  • Nominations for L.D. Secretary: None received. Dan will be acting Secretary.
  • M/S/P to form a “Candidate Recruitment Committee.” Members: Brian, Alli, Jan, Marina & James. Mission: To recruit for L.D. Reps in 2020 & establish candidate resources.
  • M/S/P : As amended, to move NTE $400 to budget line item to reserve BLHS rooms for 2020 caucus.
  • Goals & planning for 2020 Caucus: Assigned to E-board:
    1. Site ID’d and secured
    2. Marina agreed to do interpreter work
    3. Need rules, credentialing & assignments

Good & Welfare:

  • Greg Klinkingbeard was recently injured in car accident. Recovering, but can’t participate.
  • Victoria Mena has been diagnosed with a life threatening medical condition & is seeking assistance. Contact through link on our page, her F.B. page or “Meal Train” to donate. M/S/P to donate $500, if ultimately determined appropriate by the E-board after seeking legal guidance.
  • Linda has 2 benefit concert tickets for Dec. 6-7, if interested.
  • Britt advised that new storage for booth resources would be needed very soon.
  • Reminder of Holiday Party on Dec. 13th.

M/S/C to adjourn at 9:10pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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