Meeting Minutes – Oct. 23, 2019

31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting

October 23rd, 2019, 7pm

Edgewood Fire Station

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda: M/S/C to approve the agenda as amended.

Code of Conduct: Review of recent conduct and the need to adopt an action plan when the code is violated. Seeking a committee to draft ideas.

Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)

  • 9/25/19 General Meeting M/S/C to approve as submitted

Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)

  • M/S/C to accept as submitted. Rudy gave a report on the auction and recent legal costs occurring since the covered time period of report


  • Jeff Winmill, Candidate, Wa. Sec. of State 2020, introduced himself and outlined his campaign.
  • James Jeyaraj, Endorsed, Auburn City Council, Pos. 3; Update on campaign outreach, forums and events.
  • Michael Prince, Pierce Co. Liaison, Kim Schrier Re-Election gave a status update.
  • Kristin Ang, Candidate, Port of Tacoma, Pos. 5, Campaign update
  • Grover Johnson, Spoke on the “Support I-1000” campaign


  • Natalie Simmons, President, Part Time Faculty for A.F.T., L. 1789; How they made recent Legislative & Economic gains regionally.

Officer & Committee Reports:

Chair: Reviewed ballot issues and voting instructions with the body.

Vice Chair: Sarah reported on recent DNC training. Approx. 300 signed up!

PCO Recruitment: Pierce Dem’s doing a GOTV event on 10/26. Meet at Edgewood Fire Station @ 10am, targeting 18-35 voters.

Fundraising: Ingrid did a debrief on the auction and will preparing new buttons.

KCDCC: They are putting out good lit that will aid with international outreach.

PCDCC: Caucus grant through state party has lapsed. Continuing to seek recruitment and GOTV canvassers.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

  • Resolution submitted opposing I-976 M/S/P
  • Motion to suspend endorsement rules for Kristin Ang M/S/P
  • Endorsement of Kristin Ang M/S/P
  • Holiday Party: Bonney Lake Grange, 6pm. Preferred dates: 12/13th, 6th, 14th or 20th; depending on availability

Good & Welfare:

  • Mark Boswell gave a report on his impressions and takeaways from the recent state party meeting in Ellensburg.

M/S/C to adjourn at 9:05pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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