Meeting Minutes – Re-Organization, January 12, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 11:00am by Temp. Chair, Nathanial Block, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Pierce Co. Democrats Chair, Kathy Orlando, was introduced.

Temporary appointments were made by the Chair:

  • Secretary: Britt Kauffman
  • Parliamentarian: John Westland
  • Sergeant-at-Arms: George McKay
  • Tally Comm. Chair: George McKay

Credentials Report: Sarah reported 17 P.C.O.s were present and eligible to vote.

M/S/C: Agenda be approved, as amended.

M/S/C: Meeting Rules be adopted, amended.

Nominations were opened for District Chair: Brian Gunn was nominated.

M/S/C: Brian Gunn be elected by acclamation.

Adoption of District Organizing Bylaws: Allison Pincas, Bylaws Comm. Chair, reported on proposed changes, as posted on our website. M/S/C to adopt Bylaws, as amended.

Election of Statutory Officers & 2nd Vice Chair:

1st Vice Chair (Pierce): Allison Pincas; M/S/C elected by acclamation.

2nd Vice Chair (King): Sarah Edwards; M/S/C elected by acclamation.

State Committee (2): Diane Fleming; M/S/C elected by acclamation.

Mark Boswell; M/S/C elected by acclamation.

Pierce Co. Democratic Central Committee (3):

Stephanie Hagen (PCO); M/S/C elected by acclamation

John Westland; M/S/C elected by acclamation

Linda Ritenberg (PCO); M/S/C elected by acclamation

King Co. Democratic Central Committee (2) & Alternates (2):

Mark Dunning & Marina Hiles elected.

Alternates: George McKay & Tamara Stramel

Non-PCO Credential Report: 28 members present/15 required for majority.

Election of Non-Statutory Officers:

Secretary: Britt Kauffman, M/S/C elected by acclamation.

Treasurer: Rudy Adams; M/S/C elected by acclamation.

Updated Credential Report: 30 members present/16 required for majority.

Election of Committee Chairs: (All M/S/C to elect by acclamation)

Membership: Sarah Edwards

Communications: Tamara Stramel

Outreach/PR: Donna DeProspo

PCO Coordinator: Jan Furey

Fundraising/Events: Ingrid Curtis

Voter Registration: Diane Ritenberg

Website/Tech: Dan Pincas

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Kathy Lorimer was appointed backup Treasurer by Chair.
  • PCO Application for Vickie Bates, #31-817. M/S/C to approve.
  • M/S/C to approve NTE $75 for pizza at January 23rd Welcome Meeting

Good of the Order:

  • Britt recognized & thanked Dan for his service as Scribe today & filling in as temp Secretary over the past term.
  • Kirby is selling ticket to the Pierce Co. Dem Crab feed fundraiser, 4 pm, 2/24 at McGavick Hall. $65pp/$85 @ door.
  • Kirby urged membership in local Democratic Associations.
  • Kathy Orlando: PCO Development Workshop, 2/2 & PCO Development Committee mtg. 2/3.
  • Nathan: King Co Bylaw Revision mtg 2/9
  • Robin recognized Kirby for his dedicated service throughout the last term.
  • Robin says the 8th C.D. is looking for hardship stories due to government shutdown:
  • Monica: Looking for sources of aid for affected furloughed employees.

Adjourned @ 2:10pm

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary