About Precinct Committee Officers
PCOs, or precinct committee officers, “are the building block of the Democratic Party…it’s their job to get to know their neighbors, educate undecided or swing voters, and make sure Democrats are registered to vote.” (WA Democrats – PCO)
Find Your Precinct
You can look up your precinct from here:
- Pierce County:
- King County:
You can also look up your PCO and other elected officials from here: WA SOS MyVote
Democratic Party Precinct Committee Officers
If you don’t see your precinct listed here, that means there is no Democratic PCO for your precinct. Volunteer for the position! Send an e-mail to chair@31stdistrictdemocrats.org. Anyone interested in becoming a PCO can still be appointed or be an acting PCO.
Below is a list of PCOs who were elected in the 2022 election for the 2023-2024 term.
Name | Precinct | County |
Cora Young | 31-098 | Pierce |
Leeroy Perkins | 31-137 | Pierce |
Andrea Ornelas | 31-705 | Pierce |
Tom Greene | 31-805 | Pierce |
Holly Stanton | 31-806 | Pierce |
Joseph Sweitzer | 31-807 | Pierce |
Shina Batson | 31-825 | Pierce |
Leia Timm-McKenrick | 31-834 | Pierce |
Michelle DePorter-Bratt | 31-840 | Pierce |
Sara Sutterfield | 31-865 | Pierce |
Robin M. Macnofsky | 31-875 | Pierce |
Kirby Pollard | 31-878 | Pierce |
Amber Olsen Walker | 31-879 | Pierce |
Tamara Stramel | 31-888 | Pierce |
Helen Mansfield | 31-904 | Pierce |
Damita Odell | 31-905 | Pierce |
Curtis Cawley | 31-917 | Pierce |
John Westland | 31-918 | Pierce |
Judith Chelotti | 31-924 | Pierce |
R. Wesley Aman | Aub 31-3335 | King |
Wayne Horton | Osceola | King |
Mark Boswell | Wynoche | King |
Excerpt from the Washington State PCO Handbook
From the Washington State PCO Handbook: “This Handbook was written to assist you in your role as a PCO. It will answer many of your questions about the structure of the Party organization, the duties and responsibilities of being a PCO, and the best way to utilize available resources in order to effectively mobilize your precinct. Taking the time to read this Handbook and using it as a reference during your time as a PCO will help elect Democrats at the local, state, and national level.”
You can download the entire handbook here.
Your Responsibilities
As a PCO, you are the foundation of the Democratic Party. The structure of the Party rests on your shoulders. It is important that you take the job of being a PCO seriously.
PCOs do their job best if they are the peers and neighbors of the people they represent. If you move from the precinct in which you are a PCO, contact the Chair of your legislative district or county organization and submit a letter of resignation so that a resident of the precinct can be appointed to serve as the PCO for that precinct. The new PCO should be someone that you have identifi ed as a potential leader of the Party.
Basic Responsibilities
PCOs have the following basic responsibilities:
- Canvass or telephone your precinct in coordination with election strategy at least once a year.
- Coordinate with campaigns in educating voters and generating interest in the election on behalf of
candidates and ballot measures. - Attend the legislative district and county organization meetings. Each legislative district and county
organization specifi es the duties and responsibilities they expect of you.
Additional Responsibilities
The following additional duties and responsibilities are commonly assigned to PCOs:
- Obtain a list of registered voters in your precinct from your legislative district or county organization, called a walking list. Speak to your Chair about obtaining an online Voterfile account (see “The Online Voterfile” on page 13).
- Deliver campaign materials to voters.
- Make sure Democratic voters are registered and that infrequent voters vote.
- Canvass your precinct during elections to make sure that Democratic voters in your precinct have voted.
- Maintain, update and provide a copy of the contact and registration information for registered voters in your precinct. Useful information includes telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, age, ethnicity and issues important to the voter.
- Keep informed on current issues and candidates.
- Have a working knowledge and understanding of the Party Platform. The State Party Platform is available at http://www.wa-democrats.org.
- Chair your precinct caucus (see “The Caucus and Convention Cycle” on page 4).
- Help fill vacancies (see “The Role of the PCO in Filling Legislative Vacancies” on page 3).