Meeting Agenda – May 24, 2023

Disclaimer: timing and order of agenda items is tentative, subject to the availability of our guests and speakers. CALL TO ORDER/LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT (7:00) We acknowledge that our legislative district is on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup and Muckleshoot tribes, who have lived on and stewarded these lands since the…

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Meeting Minutes – Apr. 26, 2023

31st District Democrats Meeting MInutes Marion Grange, Zoom hybrid meeting 4/26/23, 7-9pm 7pm Sarah E welcomes Zoom attendees and gives a quick run-down of technical status, pre-official meeting, in order to introduce technical details. 7:09pm Sarah E gavelled to order, land acknowledgement 7:11pm Sarah E entertains motion to approve agenda…

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Meeting Minutes – Mar. 22, 2023

CALL TO ORDER/LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sarah E called the meeting to order by sharing and reading aloud the “Land Acknowledgment”—FYI: agenda has been shifted. APPROVAL OF AGENDA James J: motioned to approve, Andrea O: Seconded approval of agenda. Motion unanimously approved. READ/APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES (7:05) February Minutes have not…

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